Wind resource assessment with the Global Wind Atlas
Given the template Excel workbook and the relevent API Keys, this script will automatically collect your portfolio data from FTX, Binance and Metamask wallets and write to the workbook.
Python package to automate crypto wallet metamask
Tools for use in DeFi. Impermanent Loss calculations, staking and farming strategies, coingecko and pancakeswap API queries, liquidity pools and more
Trading strategy for the Freqtrade crypto bot
Crypto trading bot wrote using Python 3.9. - Trading & Technical Analysis Bot - 4,100+ stars, 1,100+ forks
Kucoin REST and Websocket API python implementation
Backtest program, data, and production program
This is a simple backtesting framework to help you test your crypto currency trading. It includes a way to download and store historical crypto data and to execute a trading strategy.
Cryptocurrency historical price data library in Python. Data from
A complete open source system for tracking and visualizing cryptocurrency price movements on leading exchanges
TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
(CVPR 2019) Pseudo-LiDAR from Visual Depth Estimation: Bridging the Gap in 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
NanoMap: Fast, Uncertainty-Aware Proximity Queries with Lazy Search of Local 3D Data
🚁〰️ Drone SLAM project for Caltech's ME 134 Autonomy class.
Final year project, autonomus indoor drone developed in ROS using DWM1001 dev-board
Integration between ROS (1 and 2) and Gazebo simulation
Implementation of a basic active slam alogorithm in ros and gazebo
Autonomous Exploration, Mapping and Path-Planning using Octomap
Python bindings to the pointcloud library (pcl)
A command line toolkit to generate maps, point clouds, 3D models and DEMs from drone, balloon or kite images. 📷
DroneKit-Python library for communicating with Drones via MAVLink.
Simple scraper to extract all products from shopify sites
A demo of syncing a wordpress/woocommerce site with an external site