Built on TSN-Ranksystem version 1.3.17
Summary from https://github.com/Newcomer1989/TSN-Ranksystem:
- fixed database error on assign servergroups functions on statistics page, when changing the server groups
(we added a connection test to the update server of the Ranksystem (on the startup of the Ranksystem) to warn if a connection fails)See fork patches below- changed MySQL connection to a none persistent connection, when it is not the Ranksystem Bot
- changed update check for the Ranksystem database; when the version is below 1.3.0 it now stops the Ranksystem with a critical error
- added to API to the functions 'user' & 'userstats' the possibility to ask for multiple servergroup database IDs in a single request; example: 'groupid=6,9,48'
- added new check for clients deleted from the TeamSpeak server, which are reconnecting with the same unique-client-ID and are still known by the Ranksystem; this clients will now get undo the "removed-flag"
- added function to delete manually a user (or multiple) out of the Ranksystem database
- fixed on the List Rankup (statistics page) the buttons for the first / last page on the pagination
Fork Patches:
- Disabled self-updating process
- Disabled update server test
- Secure api key comparison
- No unnecessary webinterface HTTPS warning for rank systems behind a proxy
- Docker-Ready
- Website title is set to TS3 Ranksystem
- The favicon link is removed from the page head
- Ranksystem info is moved from the navbar to the footer