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real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
java 知识体系,已迁移至新仓库https://github.com/shirayner/snote
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It Can Calculate how many lines of code you write on Mac ; 在Mac上计算你写了多少行代码
coobjc provides coroutine support for Objective-C and Swift. We added await method、generator and actor model like C#、Javascript and Kotlin. For convenience, we added coroutine categories for some F…
Similar to Lottie. Render After Effects / Animate CC (Flash) animations natively on Android and iOS, Web. 使用 SVGAPlayer 在 Android、iOS、Web中播放 After Effects / Animate CC (Flash) 动画。
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Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
macOS app to generate Swift 5 code for models from JSON (with Codeable)
iOS project comprising a collection of demos for iOS Apps, developed in swift; componented,Target-Action,swift,swiftproject iosdemo iosdemos swiftdemos swiftdemo
Jack-QoTn / iOSProject
Forked from NJHu/iOSProjectiOS project of collected some demos for iOS App, use Objective-C
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