WeUI 是一套同微信原生视觉体验一致的基础样式库,由微信官方设计团队为微信内网页和微信小程序量身设计,令用户的使用感知更加统一。
WeUI-Design 是微信官方设计团队设计的一套同微信原生视觉体验一致的基础视觉样式库,目前提供 Sketch 与 PSD 基础样式库源文件。开发者或设计师可以使用 WeUI-Design 进行微信 Web 开发的原型设计、视觉设计等。
建议不低于 v40
建议不低于 CS5
- 苹方 / PingFang SC( Mac OS X EI Caption ,版本10 .11及以上系统内置 )
- SF UI Display( 需Apple官网下载,地址:https://developer.apple.com/fonts/ )
- 思源黑体 / NotoSans CJK SC(附件有资源)
- Robot(附件有资源)
WeUI-Design 是微信官方设计团队作品,知识产权等相关权利归腾讯公司所有。使用前,请阅读以下使用须知及法律声明。对于违反使用须知及法律声明的行为,我们将保留法律追究权利。
- 使用 WeUI-Design 的控件,进行适当地再次加工创作,形成自己的作品
- 未经允许直接利用 WeUI-Design 作品开展牟利行为,包括但不限于打包售卖、另行建立镜像收取费用、有偿下载、积分下载等行为
- symbol支持了resizing 能力
- 更正“弹窗”为模态对话框
- 单独展示操作列表(actionsheet),新增有提醒文案样式
- 新增新消息标识
Tencent is the owner of all Intellectual property rights of this account and all projects posted under this account.
All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret , of all projects and all relevant information (including, but not limited to text, image, audio, video, graphics, interface design, layout framework, relevant data or electronic documents and etc.) posted under this account are governed and protected by laws and regulations of P.R.China and applicable international treaties, Tencent has all the intellectual property aforesaid, except for those rights that owned by any third party in accordance with applicable laws.
Without written consent of Tencent or applicable rights owner, you shall not sell or permit any third party to sell any project data posted under this account, or establish mirror of the same for sale.
Other lawful and reasonable use of information or data posted under this account are encouraged, including reproducing such information or data; preparing derivative works based on such information or data, or incorporating such data or information into other works or projects.