Basic engine created for UPC's Master in Advanced Programming for AAA Videogames.
- 3D Scene view with Unity-like controls
- Loading basic 3D models into the scene by dragging and dropping files
- Basic console log
- Loading and saving scenes
- Custom file format to save the information loaded
- Implementation of an editable Quadtree
- Frustum Culling
- PBR Phong implementation
- Three types of lights (directional, point, spot)
- Ray tracing (to select objects in the scene)
- Basic templated pool data structure to allow for faster allocation/deallocation of resources
- Drag model files inside any engine window to load it
- You can also load a different texture file for the model in the same manner. Select it clicking in the object, inside the Inspector Panel
- File
- New: Create new empty scene
- Load: Load a scene
- Save: Save a scene
- Quit: Exit the engine
- View
- Open/Close different panels from here
- Help
- Documentation: Go to wiki page in github
- Download latest: Go to releases page in github
- Report a bug: Go to issues page in github
- About: Open/Close about panel
Left click to focus on the scene window first.
- Right-click to enter flythrough mode
- WASD + QE to move around
- Mouse to look around
- Alt + Left-click to orbit around the camera focus
- Alt + Right-click to zoom with the mouse (moves the camera focus)
- Mouse wheel to zoom (moves the camera focus)
- Arrow keys to move around
- F key to focus around the geometry
- Shift to move faster (5x)
- W/E/R to translate/rotate/scale selected object
Movement and zoom speed depend on the distance to the focus point (zooming out makes moving and zooming faster).
This panel contains engine information and configuration variables for multiple modules:
- Application
- Application name and organization
- Time
- FPS and MS graph
- Change Framerate Limit
- Activate/Deactivate Framerate Limit
- Activate/Deactivate VSync
- Hardware
- Information about library versions
- Information about CPU, RAM and GPU
- Window
- Change window mode
- Windowed
- Borderless
- Fullscreen (Not working properly)
- Desktop Fullscreen
- Change brightness
- Resize window
- Change window mode
- Scene
- Draw Bounding Boxes
- Draw Quadtree
- Configure Quadtree
- Draw Skybox
- Change the background color
- Change the ambient color
- Engine Camera
- Frustum vector information (read-only)
- Change near/far planes
- Play/Stop/Pause controller
- Gizmos parameters
- Preview of the scene
Contains information about the currently loaded model
- Transformation (postition, rotation and scale)
- Geometry (meshes and bounding box)
- Textures (shader configuration, size and preview)
- Lights (lights parameters)
- Camera (camera parameters)
Prints all logged information and allows you to input commands.
There are no commands currently available.
- SDL 2 (
- MatGeoLib (
- Dear ImGui (
- DeviL (
- assimp (
- ImGuizmo (
- RapidJason (
Jaime Bea Pérez-Zubizarreta (
Lowy Solé Franquesa (