This repository stores some projects maked with arduino, to introduce step by step, from begginers level, of microcontrollers, sensors, and other electronics components. It's recomended to see the code while reading the info. Click on the code link of each project for that.
There are some programs in the code folder that don't appear in this list, like the lcd screen examples
Click any project to obtain more info, schematics, and arduino code.
- Typical arduino errors: typical noob errors.
- Blink: make a led blink.
- Knight rider: light sequences.
- Sound: make sounds and music with a buzzer or speaker.
- Sounds and leds: mix sounds with led lights.
- Piano: make a piano with one buzzer and buttons.
- Analog read: read analog values and print them on the screen.
- LDR control: use light sensors to turn on leds at night.
- RGB: control an RGB led with PWM pins to generate multiple colors.
- Motors: control motors with an H bridge and make them stop, go forward or reverse.
- Servo control: program the servo position between 0 to 120 degrees.
- Position control: control the position of a servo with a potentiometer through analog read measurements.
- Robot: go forward, turn and move in any direction a two wheels robot.
- Ultrasound: measure the distance to an object with and ultrasonic sensor.
- Theremin: change the tone with the distance to our hand with and HC-SR04 sensor.
- Obstacle avoider: make a two wheels robot to avoid obstacles with ultrasonic sensor.
- Bluetooth: use a bluetooth receiver module to control the direction, sound and lights of the robot.