Tags: Jameak/ImageDownloader
Add top-level exception handler, unwrap AggregateException. Closes #6 Sometimes WebExceptions seem to be thrown as-is, while other times they are wrapped in an AggregateException. Not entirely sure why, but now we catch wrapped WebExceptions as well. Additionally, with a new top-level exception handler the program shouldn't outright crash anymore if an unhandled error occurs. Instead it provides a pop-up that lets the user retrieve the error-message and stacktrace that can then be included in a github issue.
Add option to download albums into separate folders. Closes #5 For Reddit-downloads, albums may be saved into folders under the target folder. The name of each album-folder is the name of the reddit-post. For Local-filtering, this option preserves the file hierarchy of the original folder in the target folder rather than just dumping the files in the root of the target folder. Imgur-albums cannot contain nested albums so this option is not supported for Imgur-downloads.
Fix auto-updater After Github disabled TLS1.1 connections in february, the auto-updater has been unable to get a connection to check for updates. The HttpClient in .NET 4.5.2 defaults to TLS1.1; upgrading to .NET 4.6.2 upgrades the default protocol used by HttpClient.