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Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces ----------------------------------------------------- Source Code Release v1.0-r114 Package compiled on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 02:06:18 +0000 Copyright 2008 Isis Innovation Limited This software is an implementation of the method described in the paper `Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces' by Georg Klein and David Murray, which appeared in the proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2007. This release is aimed at experienced software developers and/or researchers familiar with implementing real-time vision algorithms in C++ on the platform of their choice. Questions? E-mail [email protected] REQUIREMENTS ------------ Supported Operating Systems: ---------------------------- The code was developed on x86/x86-64 Linux. It has also been ported to Intel-based MacOS X (using X11 for the display). These two operating systems are supported. The software can also be compiled on Win32, but this is not our target platform and so this port is not very clean; see the Windows section later in this document. Processor Requirements: ----------------------- The software runs at least two processing-intensive threads at the same time and so needs at least a dual-core machine. Intel Core 2 Duo processors 2.4GHz+ are fine. Graphics: --------- The software requires accelerated OpenGL graphics output. It has been written and tested only with nVidia cards: this is primarily of concern under Linux, where the use of an nVidia card and the proprietary nVidia display drivers are highly recommended. Since the Linux code compiles directly against the nVidia driver's GL headers, use of a different GL driver may require some modifications to the code. Video Input: ------------ The software requires a video camera with a wide-angle lens, capable of 640x480x30Hz video capture and an appropriate driver installation (which is supported by libCVD.) Only monochrome capture is needed for tracking, colour images are used only for the AR display. A futher discussion of video input follows later in this file. Libraries: ---------- The software has three principal dependencies: 1. TooN - a header library for linear algebra 2. libCVD - a library for image handling, video capture and computer vision 3. Gvars3 - a run-time configuration/scripting library, this is a sub-project of libCVD. All three above are written by member of the Cambridge Machine Intelligence lab and are licensed under the LGPL. Current versions are available from Savannah via CVS: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/toon (for TooN) http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/libcvd (for libCVD and GVars) The latest version of these libraries can be obtained via CVS and ssh: # export CVS_RSH=ssh # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/toon co TooN # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/libcvd co libcvd # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/libcvd co gvars3 It should be noted, however, that the libraries change rapidly. To ensure compatibility, it may be useful to download the libraries corresponding to a time at which they were known to be compatible. To do so, use the following commands: # export CVS_RSH=ssh # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/toon co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" TooN # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/libcvd co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" libcvd # cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/libcvd co -D "Mon May 11 16:29:26 BST 2009" gvars3 The installation of these libraries is described below. INSTALLATION ------------ Installation of the dependencies -------------------------------- The three dependent libraries are all compiled and installed using the familiar ./configure; make; make install system, however the following points are worth noting. On Linux, the following libraries (and their -devel versions) are required: blas, lapack, perhaps libgfortran, ncurses and libreadline (optional, for GVars3), libdc1394 (and maybe libraw1394) for firewire capture, optionally libtiff, libjpeg, libpng. (On OSX, these or their equivalents should all be available with the system.) The order of installation should be 1. TooN, 2. libCVD, 3. GVars3; TooN installation is trivial, since it's only a bunch of headers. For libCVD, I recommend the following configure options: # export CXXFLAGS=-D_REENTRANT # ./configure --without-ffmpeg if the compiler hangs on one of the FAST detectors these can be disabled with configure --disable-fast7 (for example.) Documentation can be generated (if doxygen is installed) by running # make docs For GVars3, I recommend the following configure options: # ./configure --disable-widgets Compiling the Software ---------------------- The source code is in the PTAM directory. The first step is to copy the appropriate platform build files to the PTAM source directory. Eg. for linux, copy all the files from PTAM/Build/Linux to PTAM. The Makefile can then be edited to reference any custom include or linker paths which might be necessary (depending on where the dependencies were installed.) The second step, for Linux, is to set up the correct video source. Two files are provided, VideoSource_Linux_DV.cc and VideoSource_Linux_V4L.cc, which work with the Unibrain Fire-i and the Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000 respectively. The DV version is compiled by default; edit the Makefile to switch to the V4L version instead, if needed. Other cameras may require manual editing of the video input files, e.g. to change the videobuffer's colourspace. Other video source classes are available with libCVD. Finally, if a custom video source not supported by libCVD is required, the code for it will have to be put into some VideoSource_XYZ.cc file (the interface for this file is very simple.) The software can then be compiled with the command # make This builds two target executables: PTAM and CameraCalibrator. RUNNING THE SOFTWARE -------------------- Calibrating the Camera ---------------------- CameraCalibrator should be run first to obtain a camera calibration (and to verify that video input is in fact working.) This requires the user to point the camera at a checker-board calibration pattern; any checkerboard of any size will do, a sample is included as calib_pattern.pdf. The camera calibrator attempts to find square corners in the image, and then to link these together. This is indicated by fragments of squares appearing in the image. The calibrator is not very robust; If no squares are detected, some things to try would be: - Modify camera settings to remove any sharpening; Sharpening artefacts break the calibrator, and also reduce performance of the tracker. - Adjust the calibrator's settings, for example increase the value of CameraCalibrator.BlurSigma When the camera is in a pose in which some portions of the grid are detected, the user should press the `GrabFrame' button to add a snapshot of that frame to the optimiser. After a few frames from different poses have been added, pressing `Optimize' button iteratively calculates the camera parameters. When the user is satisfied with convergence (the RMS error should be no more than around 0.3 pixels) pressing `Save' stores the camera calibration in a file camera.cfg. Running the Tracker ------------------- Once a calibration has been stored, invoking PTAM runs the tracker. At the start, the tracker requires the user to provide a stereo pair to initialise the map. The user does this by pointing the camera at an angle to a planar (or near-planar) surface to be augmented, pressing space-bar, slowly translating the camera to provide a baseline, and pressing space-bar again to complete the stereo pair. At this point a map is created and the tracker runs. Simple augmented graphics can be shown once the tracker is running by pressing the "Draw AR" toggle button. If there appear to be problems with the map not being expanded or not being tracked well, the most likely culprit is a lack of baseline, i.e. the camera was not translated enough. A stereo initialisation with only rotation does not provide a baseline and cannot ever work. N.b. you don't need the calibration grid for the tracker! Any planar or near-planar textured scene will do. General Use of GVars -------------------- Both programs rely on GVars for a console user-interface. In the terminal window, a user may inspect a list of all tweakable variables by typing > gvarlist (or gvarlist -a for a more complete list) and then modify variables by typing > Variable_Name = new_value This allows the user to tweak a number of the program's features; for example, if the quality of video input is dubious, typing DrawFASTCorners=1 in the tracker allows the user to inspect the response of the FAST corner detector. VIDEO SOURCES ------------- The software was developed with a Unibrain Fire-i colour camera, using a 2.1mm M12 (board-mount) wide-angle lens. It also runs well with a Logitech Quickcam Pro 5000 camera, modified to use the same 2.1mm M12 lens. Wide-angle lenses are important for natural feature trackers and SLAM systems, and the software's performance using a zoomier lens is likely to be compromised. It will require more key-frames, robustness to rotation will decrease, and relocaliser performance will drop. How wide is wide-angle? The first number in camera.cfg is a normalized horizontal focal length (fx): for our wide-angle lenses fx=0.57. Up to fx<=1.0 the system would be expected to run fine, beyond that performance will likely be degraded. Independent of OS, it is important to turn down in-camera sharpening to the point that no sharpening artifacts appear! Sharpening artifacts produce spurious corners from image noise, move the location of real corners, and break scale and rotation invariance. Expect poor performance if running on an over-sharpened image. For example, on the unibrain fire-i, turn sharpness down from the default 80 to 25. Linux fire-i notes: Firewire with libCVD has been tested against the old-style (pre-juju) firewire stack, using either the libDC-1 and libDC-2 series. If your distribution ships with firewire support in the form of the experimental juju stack (e.g. Fedora 8 and 9) you may experience video input lockups, you should install packages for the old firewire stack instead. Linux Logitech Quickcam notes: the Logitech Quickcam pro 5000 is supported by the linux-uvc driver and can be used with a CVD::V4LBuffer<yuv422>. MacOS X notes: Video input properties are reset every time the software is run, and so settings will have to be adjusted every time (e.g. turning down in-camera sharpening.) Windows notes: If attempting to port to windows, note that we have experienced poor performance in conjunction with DSVL: this seems to be a threading issue, as the video source also uses a thread, which can get starved. Using the unibrain or point grey APIs as appropriate would be preferable. Note also that YUV->RGB->greyscale produces notable artefacts as opposed to direct YUV->greyscale. At the moment, only a CMU1394 interface is included, this works fine. THE SOURCE CODE --------------- The main documentation of the code is in the code's comments. What follows here is an overview of the tracking system. The tracker runs from main.cc, which spawns a System-class which starts two main threads: 1. The Tracker-class thread, driven by the System class event loop, which performs real-time tracking and video I/O and graphical display; 2. The MapMaker-class thread, which updates the map in the background. Both threads access a common Map-class data structure. The Map-class contains two main arrays: a vector of MapPoint-structs, and a vector of KeyFrame-structs. Together these make up the map. The bulk of the functionality is contained within the classes Tracker and MapMaker, which also make use of auxiliary classes. The tracker uses the Relocaliser-class to recover from failure, MapMaker uses the Bundle-class to perform bundle adjustment and the HomographyInit-class to bootstrap the map. Many bits of code use ATANCamera-class, which is a model of the camera's intrinsic parameters. Further, ARDriver-class provides distorted rendering and compositing to run the AR simulation called EyeGame-class. COMPILING AND RUNNING ON WINDOWS -------------------------------- The software compiles fine on Windows, but the software remains a console application (gvars interface is in a terminal window) and we experience some frame-drop issues which don't seem to arise on other platforms. To compile (and maybe also to run) the software on windows, the following libraries are needed: Lapack and BLAS - available pre-compiled e.g. from http://www.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod2/misc/lapack/ pthreads from http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ GLEW from http://glew.sourceforge.net/ CMU1394 camera driver from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~iwan/1394/ libjpeg for win32 e.g. from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/jpeg.htm Obtain LibCVD, TooN, and GVars3 from CVS as above. To compile and install, libCVD and GVars3 come with msdev project files, TooN is just a bunch of headers (copy it to your include directory.) Copy the contents of PTAM/Build/Win32 to PTAM; then open PTAM.sln, which contains projects to build the Camera Calibrator and the Tracker. Edit include and lib directories as appropriate. Good luck!
Augmented Reality Game - PacMan
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