A Learning Management System for MCC Frontend Developer Professional Certification.
View the course syllabus
Submit a request at Apply page to register with the instructor-led course through Monroe Community College.
This LMS is a guided educational resource for students enrolled in the Monroe Community College Professional Developer Certification Course.
Create an account & Login with email/password to gain access to the learning resources & content:
- Lecture Slides
- A student community on Discord to ask & answer questions
- Quiz Challenges
- Homework Exercizes
- Course Progress
- Curated Resources and Web Assets
- Guided Code Along Workshops
- Portfolio Projects
- Career Skills and Tips
- Coding Problem Solutions
- Recommended Job Boards
- External Course Videos
- More Courses!
- Html, Accessibility, Forms
- Modern CSS
- Mobile Responsiveness
- Flexbox & Grid Layouts
- Github & Terminal basics
- Markdown
- Image Optimization
- vars, primitives, operators
- Functions, Arrays, Objects
- Control flow & loops
- The DOM
- ES6 & Beyond
- Modules, closures & classes
- Regex
- Promises & The event loop
- Design patterns & MVC
- HTTP Fetch (GET & POST)
- Terminal, git & npm
- Node & Build Tools
- React Concepts
- Hooks & useState
- Thinking in React
- useEffect
- useRef
- Advanced Hooks
- React router
- Redux
- Migrate sheets curriculum items fully in
- Update timeline cards to have links to relevant slides, HW & resources
- Save kanban board ticket state to supanase
- Hide kanban board tickets until their datetime arrives
- Hide timeline cards until their datetime arrives (provide empty state on page if classes isn't started)
- Launch newsletter
- list of code sandboxes (codepen, codesandbox, babel, specific pens of mine)
- integrate stripe payments
- Admin route for student analytics
- integrate tally utils into admin route
- ebook for MVP-FE
- Record & integrate audio track segments & liqvideos
- list of project ideas & inspiration to get started (portfolio pg examples, demos, designs, final proj ideas)
- list of learning APIs (public apis list, jsonplaceholder, docket, space api)
- Setup monitoring/logging for errors/user analytics
- links to dev communities/forums/discords/slacks
- login with linkedin & github options (and save the identities)
- alumni network roster
- make it a PWA
- Have current courses portal for multi-course system (not just FE dev course)
- Integrate Liqvid segment tracks & convert slides to liqvids
- Create code challenge interactive page (similar to solid/svelte tuts?)
- Launch apply page and segment off MCC's from others