**There are better alternatives nowadays. Have a look at e.g. Keycloak. This project is not maintained anymore. **
User Authentication and Authorization Service
This project should offer a service to authenticate and manage user and clients together with their rights.
- Authentication via JWT (Json Web Token)
- OAuth2 (Get token / Refresh token)
- Self User-Management (Register, Reset password, Update information)
- Administration of all entities
- Authorities (create, read, delete)
- Users (create, read, update, delete)
- Clients (create, read, updated, delete)
- Highly configurable (see Configuration)
- Bootstrapping (provide default user/clients)
- Docker (available as docker image)
- Based on Spring Boot & Spring Security (easy extendible & high security)
Following points should be addressed in the future:
- Improve by user feedback
- Try to replace Tomcat by Undertow to improve performance and memory consumption
- Write demo client
- Make sure you have Maven installed
- Make sure you have Java 1.8 installed
- Checkout the source code
git clone https://github.com/JanLoebel/uaa-service.git
- Run
mvn clean install
- Inside uaa-Service execute
mvn spring-boot:run
, this will start the UAA-Service with the Development (DEV)-Profile. To start the UUA-Service in the production mode, just appendmvn spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=prod
- Build the docker image by executing
mvn clean package docker:build
. - Start instance with MySQL by executing
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
. - To check the logs use
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml logs
. - Stop instance by by executing
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml down
You can change all important configurations of the UAA-Service in the application-uaa.yml file.
- 'Service.port' - Port on which the UAA-Service should start [required, number]
- 'uaa' - UAA-Service related configurations
-- 'baseUrl' - Url where the UAA-Service is available, will be used when sending email [required, string]
-- 'bootstrapFile' - Path to the json-file to bootstrap when starting the uaa-Service [optional, string]
-- templatePath - Directory path to overwrite templates [optional, string]
-- 'jwt' - JWT related properties
--- 'keystore' - JWT Keystore properties
---- 'path' - Filepath to the Keystore [required, string]
---- 'password' - Password for the provided Keystore [required, string]
---- 'keypair' - Name of the KeyPair to use [required, string]
-- 'client_default' - Defaults are used to define when creating a new client without this information
--- 'accessTokenValiditySeconds' - Default seconds how long a access token for this client should be valid [optional, number]
--- 'authorizedGrantTypes' - Default grant types for a client [optional, string separated by ',']
--- 'autoApprove' - Does a client need to approve itself (e.g. by the client_secret) [optional, boolean]
-- 'mail.from' - Given address will be used as sender for emails [optional, email]
-- 'account' - Defaults are used to define when creating a new account
--- 'verification' - Is verification of the email account needed [optional, boolean]
--- 'passwordResetCodeValidityMinutes' - How long should a generated reset code for the password be valid [optional, number]
--- 'defaultLocale' - Locale to use for new created accounts when the information is not given by the client [optional, locale]
--- 'password' - Password restriction related properties
---- 'minLength' - Minimal length of a valid password [optional, number]
---- 'maxLength' - Maximal length of a valid password [optional, number]
---- 'regex' - Regex which will be checked for a valid password [optional, regex]
--- 'username' - Username restriction related properties
---- 'minLength' - Minimal length of a valid username [optional, number]
---- 'maxLength' - Maximal length of a valid username [optional, number]
---- 'regex' - Regex which will be checked for a valid username [optional, regex]
--- 'email' - Email restriction related properties
---- 'minLength' - Minimal length of a valid email [optional, number]
---- 'maxLength' - Maximal length of a valid email [optional, number]
- 'spring'
-- 'mail' - Mail Service settings for Spring
--- 'host' - Adress of mail Service [required, string]
--- 'port' - Port of the mail Service [required, number]
--- 'username' - Username to authenticate at the mail Service [optional, string]
--- 'password' - Password to authenticate at the mail Service [optional, string]
-- 'datasource' - Database Service settings for Spring
--- 'url' - JDBC-Url to the database Service [required, string]
--- 'username' - Username to authenticate at the database Service [required, string]
--- 'password' - Password to authenticate at the database Service [optional, string]
--- 'driver-class-name' - Driver class name depending on the used database Service [required, string]
-- 'jpa' - JPA related settings
--- 'hibernate.ddl-auto' - Update strategy for database changes [required, string]
--- 'properties.hibernate.dialect' - Hibernate dialect to use to generate database Service specific queries [required, string]
The API documentation can be found by starting executing
- Inside uaa-Service execute
mvn clean package
and thenmvn spring-boot:run
, this will first compile the application, run tests and documentation tasks and then start the UAA-Service with the Development (DEV)-Profile. - Afterwards go to http://localhost:8080/docs/index.html to see the documentation.
- Note: The documentation is currently only allowed to be accessed in the DEV-profile, to grant the access in the PROD-profile, add doc as profile.
The UAA offers the possibility to bootstrap user and clients when starting the service. Therefore everything you have to do is provide a bootstrap-json-file which contains users and clients which should be created. Example-Content:
"clients": [
"client_id": "client_id",
"client_secret": "client_secret",
"auto_approve": false
"users": [
"username": "admin",
"password": "mySecretPassword",
"email": "[email protected]",
"authorities": [ "USER", "ADMIN" ]
You can define the location of this file with a simple property variable mvn spring-boot:run -Duaa.bootstrapFile=/tmp/bootstrap.json