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JasonGross committed Jun 10, 2023
1 parent de4014f commit 7a99de6
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Showing 2 changed files with 188 additions and 0 deletions.
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions internal/lawvere-factored-alt-from-query.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module lawvere-factored-alt-from-query where
open import Agda.Primitive
using (Level; _⊔_; lzero; lsuc; Setω)
open import CC public
open import CCPresheaf public
open import CCLaxMonoidalSemicomonad public
import lawvere-query-with-properties-full-pointified as lawvere-query-with-properties-full

module generic
{ℓ₀ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓt₀ ℓt₁ ℓte₂ ℓt₂ ℓty₀ ℓty₁ ℓtye₂ ℓty₂}
(CCat : CartesianCat {ℓ₀} {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂})
(TyCat : Presheaf {ℓ₀} {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} {ℓty₀} {ℓty₁} {ℓtye₂} {ℓty₂} CCat)
(TCat : Presheaf {ℓ₀} {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} {ℓt₀} {ℓt₁} {ℓte₂} {ℓt₂} CCat) -- like (_[>] X)
(TyΣ : PresheafHasΣ TyCat)
(□Func : LaxMonoidalSemicomonad CCat TyCat TyΣ)

open CartesianCat CCat renaming (Obj to C)
-- open Presheaf hiding (Π_[→]_ ; Π[_]_[→]_ ; _≈ₑ_ ; _≈ₚ[_]_ ; _⨾ₚ_ ; _⨾ₛ_ ; _Π⨾ₑ_ ; _■ₑ_ ; _⁻¹ₑ ; 2idₑ)
open Presheaf TyCat renaming (Psh to Ty)
-- arrows in T are unused
open Presheaf TCat using () renaming (Psh to T ; _≈ₑ_ to _≈T_ ; _⨾ₛ_ to _⨾T_ ; _■ₑ_ to _■T_ ; _⁻¹ₑ to _⁻¹T ; assocₛ to assocT ; subst-map to subst-mapT)
open PresheafHasΣ TyΣ
open LaxMonoidalSemicomonad □Func

module lawvere-query-with-properties-full-0 = lawvere-query-with-properties-full CCat TyCat TCat TyΣ

module inner
(QT : C) -- (Σ {𝟙} (* ⨾ₛ □ₚT))
(□-map-QT : {a} T a (□ a [>] QT)) -- not quite sure how this fits with the above, but it captures that QT is □ (T 𝟙) and maps into QT are like maps into □ (T 𝟙) i.e., Wk a ~> T is like T a by substitution
-- incomplete musing: we need an analogue of (□ₚT : Presheaf □C) and of `_⨾ₛ_ : (Σ R [>] □ (Σ P)) → (□ₚT (□ (Σ P))) → □ₚT (Σ R)`, and ...
-- incomplete musing: `Wk.uncurry (Σ.ι/dup ⨾ fst)` gives `Π[ a ] 𝟙 [→] (* ⨾ₛ Wk a)`, `pair *` gives `(Π[ a ] (𝟙 [→] (* ⨾ₛ □ₚT))) → (𝟙 [>] Σ a □ₚT)`, `□ₚf : □ₚT (□ (Σ P))`, if we treat `f` as analogue of □ₚ gives us T a → □T (□a),
(□-map-QT-subst : {a b} {f : b [>] a} {g : T a} (□-map f ⨾ □-map-QT g) ≈ □-map-QT (f ⨾T g))
(□-map-QT-2map : {a} {f g : T a} f ≈T g □-map-QT f ≈ □-map-QT g)

(S : C) -- Δ (T (Σ_□S R))
(P : Ty QT)
(R : Ty (□ S))

-- TODO: we can eliminate this assumption by manually supplying R' ≔ Σ R quote-r, and then using wk-map cojoin to quote quote-r or something
(quote-r : Π[ □ S ] R [→] (cojoin ⨾ₛ □ₚ R))

--(ϕ : T (S × Σ R))
(□-map-QT-ϕ : □ (S × Σ R) [>] QT)
--(ψ : T (Σ R) → (𝟙 [>] S))
(□-map-ψ : T (Σ R) (□ 𝟙 [>] □ S))
(f : T (Σ P))
--(ϕ-eq : ∀ {f : T (Σ R)} {g : 𝟙 [>] Σ R} → ((dup {𝟙} ⨾ (ψ f ×× g)) ⨾T ϕ) ≈T (g ⨾T f))
(□-map-ϕ-eq : {f : T (Σ R)} {g : 𝟙 [>] Σ R} ((dup {□ 𝟙} ⨾ ((□-map-ψ f ×× □-map g) ⨾ □-×-codistr)) ⨾ □-map-QT-ϕ) ≈ □-map-QT (g ⨾T f))

quote-R : Σ R [>] □ (Σ R)
quote-R = (cojoin ΣΣ quote-r) ⨾ □-Σ-codistr

encode : T 𝟙 𝟙 [>] QT
encode f = □-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map-QT f

pack : T (Σ R) 𝟙 [>] □ S
pack f = □-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map-ψ f

query : {X} X [>] Σ R X [>] Σ R X [>] QT
query f g = (dup ⨾ (((f ⨾ fst) ×× (g ⨾ quote-R)) ⨾ □-×-codistr)) ⨾ □-map-QT-ϕ

module lawvere-query-with-properties-full-1 = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-0.inner QT (□ S) P R encode pack query f

pre-unwrap : Σ R [>] QT
pre-unwrap = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-1.pre-a

module inner
(r2p : Π[ Σ R ] 𝟙ₚ [→] (pre-unwrap ⨾ₛ P))

module lawvere-query-with-properties-full-2 = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-1.inner r2p

unwrap : T (Σ R)
unwrap = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-2.a

module inner
(r : Π[ 𝟙 ] 𝟙ₚ [→] (pack unwrap ⨾ₛ R))
-- TODO: figure out what's up with ((rid ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id) (mirrors cojoinₚ)
-- This isn't going to hold on-the-nose in general, so we only demand it for r
--(quote-r-□-map : ∀ {s : 𝟙 [>] S} {r : Π[ 𝟙 ] 𝟙ₚ [→] ((□-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map s) ⨾ₛ R)} → (r ⨾ₚ quote-r) ≈ₚ[ □-map-cojoin ■ ((rid ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id) ] ((*ₚ □-𝟙-codistr ⨾ₚ □-𝟙ₚ-codistr) ⨾ₚ □ₚ-map r))
(quote-r-□-map : (r ⨾ₚ quote-r) ≈ₚ[ □-map-cojoin ■ ((rid ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id) ] ((*ₚ □-𝟙-codistr ⨾ₚ □-𝟙ₚ-codistr) ⨾ₚ □ₚ-map r))

module lawvere-query-with-properties-full-3 = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-2.inner r

lawvere : T 𝟙
lawvere = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-3.lawvere

s = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-3.packed-a

query-pack-encode : {a} {pf : Π[ 𝟙 ] 𝟙ₚ [→] (pack a ⨾ₛ R)} query {𝟙} (pair (pack a) pf) s ≈ encode (s ⨾T a)
query-pack-encode = ((((((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((((2id ⨾-map (pair-fst ××-2map 2id)) ■ ((2id ⨾-map (2id ××-2map helper)) ■ (2id ⨾-map ××-natural))) ■ (assoc ⁻¹)) ■ (dup-natural ⨾-map 2id)) ⨾-map 2id)) ■ assoc) ■ assoc) ⨾-map 2id) ■ assoc) ■ (2id ⨾-map □-map-ϕ-eq)
helper2 : _≈ₚ[_]_ {𝟙} {□ (□ S)} {𝟙ₚ} {□ₚ R} {(s ⨾ fst) ⨾ cojoin} {(□-𝟙-codistr ⨾ id) ⨾ □-map (s ⨾ fst)} ((*ₚ s ⨾ₚ snd) ⨾ₚ quote-r) (□-map-cojoin ■ ((rid ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id)) ((*ₚ □-𝟙-codistr ⨾ₚ □-𝟙ₚ-codistr) ⨾ₚ □ₚ-map (*ₚ s ⨾ₚ snd))
helper2 = {!quote-r-□-map!} -- need to fixup to reduce s followed by snd, fst

helper : (s ⨾ quote-R) ≈ (□-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map s) -- (s ⨾ ((cojoin ΣΣ quote-r) ⨾ □-Σ-codistr)) ≈ (□-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map s)
helper = ((((rid ⁻¹) ■ (2id ⨾-map (dup-fst-snd ⁻¹))) ⨾-map 2id) ■ (assoc ■ ((2id ⨾-map (assoc ■ (2id ⨾-map ((assoc ⁻¹) ■ ((ΣΣ-natural ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id))))) ■ ((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((dup-ΣΣ ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id) ■ (assoc ■ ((2id ⨾-map ((assoc ⁻¹) ■ ((ΣΣ-natural ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id))) ■ ((((((((2id ⨾-map ((((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (□-map-cojoin ■ ((rid ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id))) ΣΣ-2map ((assocₚ ⁻¹ₚ) ■ₚ helper2)) ⨾-map 2id)) ■ (((2id ⨾-map (ΣΣ-natural ⨾-map 2id)) ■ ((2id ⨾-map (assoc ■ (2id ⨾-map □-map-ΣΣ-codistr))) ■ (((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((((((2id ⨾-map (2id ■ ΣΣ-natural)) ■ (assoc ⁻¹)) ■ (dup-ΣΣ ⨾-map 2id)) ⨾-map 2id) ■ assoc) ■ assoc) ⨾-map 2id)) ■ assoc)) ■ (2id ⨾-map ((□-Σ-codistr-dup ⨾-map 2id) ■ (□-⨾-map ⁻¹)))))) ■ (2id ⨾-map □-2map ((((2id ⨾-map ΣΣ-natural) ■ (assoc ⁻¹)) ■ (dup-ΣΣ ⨾-map 2id)) ■ assoc)))))))))))))))))
■ (2id ⨾-map (□-2map ((2id ⨾-map dup-fst-snd) ■ rid)))

query-natural : {X Y} {m : Y [>] X} {f : X [>] Σ R} {g : X [>] Σ R} (m ⨾ query {X} f g) ≈ query {Y} (m ⨾ f) (m ⨾ g)
query-natural = (assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((dup-natural ⁻¹) ⨾-map 2id) ■ (assoc ■ (2id ⨾-map ((assoc ⁻¹) ■ (((××-natural ⁻¹) ■ ((assoc ⁻¹) ××-2map (assoc ⁻¹))) ⨾-map 2id)))))) ⨾-map 2id)

query-2map : {X} {f f′ g g′} f ≈ f′ g ≈ g′ query {X} f g ≈ query {X} f′ g′
query-2map ff gg = (2id ⨾-map (((ff ⨾-map 2id) ××-2map (gg ⨾-map 2id)) ⨾-map 2id)) ⨾-map 2id
module lawvere-query-with-properties-full-4 = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-3.inner query-pack-encode query-natural query-2map

Plawvere : Π[ 𝟙 ] 𝟙ₚ [→] ((□-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map-QT lawvere) ⨾ₛ P)
Plawvere = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-4.lawvere-pf

lawvere-fix : lawvere ≈T (pair (□-𝟙-codistr ⨾ □-map-QT lawvere) Plawvere ⨾T f)
lawvere-fix = lawvere-query-with-properties-full-4.eq
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions internal/lawvere-query-with-properties-full-pointified.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import CC
open import CCPresheaf
--open import CCLaxMonoidalSemicomonad
module lawvere-query-with-properties-full-pointified
{ℓ₀ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓt₀ ℓt₁ ℓte₂ ℓt₂ ℓty₀ ℓty₁ ℓtye₂ ℓty₂}
(CCat : CartesianCat {ℓ₀} {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂})
(TyCat : Presheaf {ℓ₀} {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} {ℓty₀} {ℓty₁} {ℓtye₂} {ℓty₂} CCat)
(ACat : Presheaf {ℓ₀} {ℓ₁} {ℓ₂} {ℓt₀} {ℓt₁} {ℓte₂} {ℓt₂} CCat) -- like (_[>] X)
(TyΣ : PresheafHasΣ TyCat)
-- (□Func : LaxMonoidalSemicomonad CCat TyCat TyΣ)

open CartesianCat CCat renaming (Obj to C ; id to ι)
-- open Presheaf hiding (Π_[→]_ ; Π[_]_[→]_ ; _≈ₑ_ ; _≈ₚ[_]_ ; _⨾ₚ_ ; _⨾ₛ_ ; _Π⨾ₑ_ ; _■ₑ_ ; _⁻¹ₑ ; 2idₑ)
open Presheaf TyCat renaming (Psh to Ty)
-- arrows in T are unused
open Presheaf ACat using () renaming (Psh to A ; _≈ₑ_ to _≈A_ ; _⨾ₛ_ to _»_ ; subst-map to »-2map ; _■ₑ_ to _■A_ ; _⁻¹ₑ to _⁻¹A ; assocₛ⁻¹ to assocA )
open PresheafHasΣ TyΣ
-- open LaxMonoidalSemicomonad □Func

module inner
(R : C) (S : C)
(Pᵣ : Ty R) (Pₛ : Ty S)
(encode : A 𝟙 (𝟙 [>] R))
(pack : A (Σ Pₛ) (𝟙 [>] S))
(query : {X} (X [>] Σ Pₛ) (X [>] Σ Pₛ) (X [>] R))
(f : A (Σ Pᵣ))

pre-a : Σ Pₛ [>] R
pre-a = query {Σ Pₛ} ι ι

module inner
(s2p : Π[ Σ Pₛ ] 𝟙ₚ [→] (pre-a ⨾ₛ Pᵣ))

a : A (Σ Pₛ)
a = pair pre-a s2p » f

module inner
(sa : Π[ 𝟙 ] 𝟙ₚ [→] (pack a ⨾ₛ Pₛ))

packed-a : 𝟙 [>] Σ Pₛ
packed-a = pair (pack a) sa

lawvere : A 𝟙
lawvere = packed-a » a

module inner
(query-pack-encode : query {𝟙} packed-a packed-a ≈ encode (packed-a » a))
(query-natural : {X Y} {m : Y [>] X} {f : X [>] Σ Pₛ} {g : X [>] Σ Pₛ} (m ⨾ query {X} f g) ≈ query {Y} (m ⨾ f) (m ⨾ g))
(query-2map : {X} {f f′ g g′} f ≈ f′ g ≈ g′ query {X} f g ≈ query {X} f′ g′)

module helper where

eq1 : (packed-a ⨾ pre-a) ≈ encode lawvere
eq1 = query-natural ■ (query-2map rid rid ■ query-pack-encode)

open helper

lawvere-pf : Π[ 𝟙 ] 𝟙ₚ [→] (encode lawvere ⨾ₛ Pᵣ)
lawvere-pf = subst-map-Π eq1 (*ₚ packed-a ⨾ₚ s2p)

eq : lawvere ≈A (pair (encode lawvere) lawvere-pf » f)
eq = assocA ■A »-2map (pair-natural ■ (2id ⨾-map (eq1 ΣΣ-2map subst-map-Π-eq)))

open inner public
open inner public hiding (module inner)
open inner public hiding (module inner)
open inner public hiding (module inner)

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