😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等
Project flat is the Web, Windows and macOS client of Agora Flat open source classroom.
This repository started out as a learning in public project for myself and has now become a structured learning map for many in the community. We have 3 years under our belt covering all things Dev…
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translatio…
✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
Opensabre是基于SpringCloud2023的微服务开发平台,整合了Spring Security、Springcloud Alibaba等组件。 包含了基础的RBAC权限管理、授权认证、网关管理、服务治理、审计日志等系统管理基础应用。 定义了相关开发规范、风格并落地在服务框架层,开箱即用,支持Docker、Kubenetes的部署。 让项目开发人员快速进入业务开发,而不需过多时间…
😘 让你“爱”上 GitHub,解决访问时图裂、加载慢的问题。(无需安装)
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)
wtfpython的中文翻译/持续🚧.../ 能力有限,欢迎帮我改进翻译