go-mcprotocol is a library for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) access
Work In Progress
You can read plc register bellow codes.
client, err := mcp.New3EClient("", 6000, mcp.NewLocalStation())
fmt.Println("end connect")
log.Printf("tufei :%s", "end connect")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("New3EClient err :%s", err)
fmt.Println("connect success!")
fmt.Println("start read !")
// 1 device
resp1, err := client.Read("V", 600, 2)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("unexpected mcp read err: %v", err)
//if len(resp1) != 13 {
// log.Printf("expected %v but actual is %v", 13, len(resp1))
//if hex.EncodeToString(resp1) != strings.ReplaceAll("d000 00 ff ff03 0004 0000 0000 00", " ", "") {
// log.Printf("expected %v but actual is %X", "d00000ffff0300040000000000", hex.EncodeToString(resp1))
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if err := client.HealthCheck(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed health check for plc: %v", err)
Format is CSV. Items are timestamp and Base64 encoded MC Protocol response.
Collect the register valuesof PLC by MC Protocol(MELSEC Communication Protocol). This tools is gather plc register data and dump local files.
$ plcmirror -H <Your PLC Host> -P <Your PLC Port> --device D --offset 100 --num 10 --dir /var/log/plcmirror
> plcmirror -help
plcmirror [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
/H, /host: PLC hostname
/P, /port: Melsec communication protocol port number
/D, /device: Register name like D that is mirror target
/O, /offset: PLC register offset addr that is mirror target
/N, /num: number of device points
/dir: file output path (default: .)
/I, /interval: mirroring interval [milli sec] (default: 500)
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
Apache 2