- Croatia
- http://javaswingdeveloper.com/
Stand-alone data-binding module designed as a light-weight (and -featured) alternative to `jackson-databind`: will only deal with "Maps, Lists, Strings, wrappers and Java Beans" (jr-objects), or si…
A light weight JavaFX forms framework based on the MVVM UI architecture pattern.
A Real-Time Audio Processing Framework in Java
Example and project codes from "Kotlin for the Curious" (No Starch Press)
🚀 Release projects quickly and easily with JReleaser
A custom theme for JavaFX following Windows 11's designs
Java API for using Google Maps within a JavaFX application.
A lightweight RCP framework for JavaFX applications.
Lightning and other animated light/particle effects that bolt on to a JavaFX 2D GUI.
A tool for navigating JavaFX scene graph and exploring node properties
Mapollage is a photo kml generator for Google Earth
Gradle plugin for constructing linux packages, specifically RPM and DEBs.
Access your entire server infrastructure from your local desktop
Source code for Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin by Peter Späth
A large collection of JavaFX examples demonstrating basic + advanced features of JavaFX.
SoapUI is a free and open source cross-platform functional testing solution for APIs and web services.
JabRef / afterburner.fx
Forked from AdamBien/afterburner.fxImproved afterburner.fx
google / dagger
Forked from square/daggerA fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
A collection of JavaFX tutorials from my YouTube channel
Collection of Binding helpers for JavaFX(8)