- define form in html;
- store data from form textfield;
- invoke the add function, while pressing SAVE;
- SAVE BUTTON saves and Hides the text Field;
- reading phase;
- *ngFor gets indexes and data in this division block;
- BUTTONS invokes function acccordingly;
- change color alternatively;
- editing Phase;
- form is displayed when edit function is invoked,from button;
- text field stores data temporarily;
- Update button updates the data and hides the text field;
- Open Stackblitz to edit app ;
- Open ...app/crud folder containing css,ts,html files ;
> crud.component.ts file have crudcomponent class containing `variables` and functions;
> add.employee() pushes model into array;
> delete() deletes;
> edit() stores data momentarily;
> update() updates and Edits;