"Aatmanirbhar Sanchar" aims at providing the users a real time off the grid, secure and anonymous messaging service. We have fulfilled these claims by not incorporating any third-party APIs or other services. Our application is a cross-platform ephemeral anonymous messaging service providing End to End encryption while also enabling secure transmission of any kind of data files including but not limited to images, videos, and documents. The most unique feature of our product would be the use of our very own indigenous private server and database system without the inclusion of any third-party cloud servers.
Keeping in mind the recent "data privacy" issues from the leading messaging platforms, They wanted us to develop a cross-platform, Off-The-Grid, Secure, Anonymous chat application for them to use withing their premises.
We also developed a sister project, A spinoff if you would, named, Aatmanirbhar Samakraman: Auto File Sync App
We go in detail about out methodology in our research paper (in press). PDF version
For a very detailed documentation/ Cookbook of the project, please refer to the following word document:
Detailed Cookbook and implementation steps