the test code of Invertible conditional GANs for image editing using Tensorflow.
In this paper , a real image can be encoded into a latent code z and conditional information y,and then reconstucted to the origial image by generative model of Gans.The paper fix z and modify y to obtain variations of the original image.
The IcGAN is trained in three steps.
1.Train the Gan.
2.Train the encoder Z to map an image x to a latent representation z with the dataset generated images.
3.Train the encoder Y to map an image x to a conditional information vector y with the dataset of real images.
tensorflow 1.0
python 2.7
opencv 2.4.8
Download mnist:
$ python
Train Gan:
$ python --OPER_FLAG 0
Train Encode z:
$ python --OPER_FLAG 1
Train Encode y:
$ python --OPER_FLAG 2
Test to reconstuction:
$ python --OPER_FLAG 3 --extend 0
Test new result:
$ python --OPER_FLAG 3 --extend 1
The original image:
The restruction image:
The new sample of changing y: