Sample Spring Boot Application for Micro Services Developer evaluation
Download the JDK 1.8
Download the Eclipse Oxygen Release 3
Download and Install Spring Tools Suite from Market Place (Optional)
Clone the GitHub Project
* Install JDK 1.8
* Install Eclipse Oxygen
* Configure Eclipse with JDK 1.8
* Create a Fork and Checkout the [GitHub Code](
* Start the Spring Boot Application and ensure that it comes up successfully
* Sample Url - /api/accounts url
* Swagger Url - /index.html
* Once the development is complete, please check the code back into the fork and submit a pull request for the merge
* Create a User Resource Interface and provide the UserResourceImpl for the following functionality
* CreateUser
* Create a new user and returns 201 if success
* If User with that name already exists then return Http error code 409(CONFLICTED) with a custom message "Unable to create. A Account with name already exist"
* GetUser
* Returns the User object for a given userId with status as success
* If User does not exist then return 404 with custom error with message and error code e.g. {"errorMessage": "Account with id 123 not found", "errorCode": "NOT_FOUND" }
* Check List
* Create necessary Interface, Implementation & Helper classes to attain the functionality
* Java Doc
* JUnit Test
* Swagger Documentation
* Run the following using Maven
* Execute all the JUnit Test Cases
* Create the Spring Boot Fat Jar
* Start the Spring Boot Fat Jar command line
* Test the new end poitns developed successfully using any Rest Client (Postman, Curl, Browser etc.,)
* User any simple in memory java Collection for storage and retrieval (No need for database implementation)
* Utilize appropriate HTTP Methods and HTTP Codes
* Handle and Implement negative scenarios
* Create JUnit test cases for all the possible conditions (Complete test case coverage) – One Java Service Class is enough