This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 21, 2021. It is now read-only.
Releases: JdeRobot/base
Releases · JdeRobot/base
- Major cleanup of the repo. Unused or moved tools and drivers are removed. If you want to rescue them, go to tag 6.0.0
- Fix compilation issues
- Fix packages dependencies and minor ROS version issues.
- Solved some bugs related with installation and other minor bugs in components.
- [PR #1312] Unified Pibot model, now it has all its sensors active.
- [PR #1313] Added support for MavRos, added iris drone and gazebo infraestructure for MavROS drones
- [PR #1317] Refactorization of PiBot real driver, added odometry and documentation.
- [PR #1321] Added printable pieces of Pibot in freecad format
- [PR #1323] Solved texture loading of F1 cars for gzweb
- [PR #1326] Added support for real turtlebot
- [PR #1328] Little refactorization of PiBot real driver
- [PR #1338] Added a refactored picam printable piece
- Solved some bugs related with installation and other minor bugs in components.
- [PR #1088] New PiCameraServer Driver and fixed Logging of slice executables error cmake
- [PR #1156] Solved problem with usbcam on camserver_web
- [PR #1167] Modify to visualize 3D segments
- [PR #1169] 3DViewer_web modify to visualize 3D segments
- [PR #1177] Added Roomba robot for ros nodes
- [PR #1179] Added library PiBot as a new driver of JdeRobot
- [PR #1180] Added driver piCamServer_py to serve PiCamera and USB cams.
- [PR #1181] Added new tool PiCamCalibrator
- [PR #1192] Added pibot robot support for gazebo
- [PR #1198] Moved kids interfaces to interfaces directory
- [PR #1209] New F1 model with realistic mesh (obj)
- [PR #1220] Added model pibot with us sensor instead of picam sensor
- [PR #1228] New ROS-based worlds for vacuum practices
- [PR #1234] minimal support for ros drones
- [PR #1236] Added printable pieces for PiBot
- [PR #1240] 3DVizWeb show objects
- [PR #1241] Added new formula1 models
- [PR #1250] Added Nurburgrin circuit
- [PR #1251] solved several problems with pibot api
- [PR #1256] velocity implemented with five speeds for pibot real driver.
- [PR #1258] velocity implemented at "avanzar" function of for real PiBot
- [PR #1262] Added Cameras and no-laser models to the F1 models. Follow_Road world fixed
- [PR #1271] Control in position for pibot driver
- [PR #1277] drone model with mavros
- Solved some bugs related with installation and other minor bugs in components.
- Added some little improvements in some tools.
- [PR #1070] Now server value on yml files are more intuitive.
- [PR #1080] Change in movement blocks and added math blocks
- [PR #1082] Added support for kinect1's ROS driver
- [PR #1091] HSV color disk added to colorTuner tool
- [PR #1106] Added support for kinect2's ROS driver
- [PR #1111] Moved scratch2jderobot away from the oficial repo. Now this tool has its own one.
- [PR #1119] Added turtlebot ROS launchers
- [PR #1123] Added 3dViewer-web tool
- [PR #1124] New tool cameraview-web
- [PR #1125] Deleted 3dViewer tool.
- [PR #1126] Cameraserver python full ROS based and full OpenCV
- [PR #1127] Added new world for IIROS drone championship
- [PR #1132] Better support for bumper sensor in comm
- [PR #1133] Web tool kobukiviewer renamed and electron based
- [PR #1134] Web tool uavviewer renamed and electron based
- [PR #1141] Added new ROS based formula1 model for simulation
- [PR #1148] Renamed several components
- [PR #1150] New models for holo taxi and opel car ROS based.
- [PR #1154] Deleted old webtools
- Solved some bugs related with installation and other minor bugs in components.
- Added some little improvements in some tools.
- YoutubeServer is now working from debian package installation, it only works with python clients for the moment.
- [PR #1017] Added support for synchronized RGBD
- [PR #1024] Added new tests to jenkins dockers
- [PR #1031] Added new component rgbdViewer_py
- [PR #1032] Added support for MBOT in gazebo
- [PR #1040] Added a new widget with zoom to rgbdcalibrator
- [PR #1049] New tests for packages installation.
- [PR #1050] First approach. Deleted discontinuity in HSV filter of colorTuner
- [PR #1053] Added comm to rgbdViewer
- [PR #1054] Ported MAVLINKServer to python 2.7 and integrated with comm
- [PR #1035] [PR #1063] Improved scratch2JdeRobot tool.
- Solved some bugs and updated to even ROS update packages due to opencv package stopped working.
- Added some little improvements in some tools.
- [PR #963] Scratch2JdeRobot: generation of output node in a single step
- [PR #966] Added suppor for bumper sensor in comm.
- [PR #969] Added new server for cameras in python using openCV instead our visionlib
- [PR #973] Added examples for visualStates
- [PR #974] Improvements in visualStates.
- [PR #975] Added new interface for pause, stop, resume, etc.
- [PR #979] Webtools are operative again.
- [PR #982] Migrated uav_viewer to make it compatible with python 2.7
- [PR #988] Deleted kobuki_driver and laser_server and added ros drivers for kobuki and lasers.
- [PR #950] [PR #1001] Added new server: Youtube server. Now we can have another source of video.
- [PR #1006] Final and fully functional version of visualStates.
- Solved several bugs in packages generation and tools.
- [PR #886] Fixed some compilation warnings
- [PR #928] Added support for comm in colorTuner tool
- [PR #933] Created test for packages intallation.
- [PR #937] Added support for ardrone interfaces in jderobot comm.
- [PR #942] Renamed samples folder to examples and added a metapackage for them.
- [PR #780 #914] This is the main change in the installation process. We now offer atomic debian packages for the user to install the
project. There is no more a monolithic package that install the whole project but there is now a bunch of packages (one for each tool, driver, and lib) and
some extra themed metapackages. This is in beta phase yet, so the may contain some bugs. Also, there will be more metapackages in the future. (see issue 915 for
further information). - [PR #736] Added a more realistic Formula 1 car and plugin. Now the wheels move and the car moves by phyisics forces, not just by teleporting the model.
- [PR #797] Added options for generate only ice packages. For embedded systems (arm)
- [PR #802] Created launcher for webtools.
- [PR #810] Refactoring of replayer tool.
- [PR #812] RGBD images are now synchronized.
- [PR #813] RGBD Viewer now allows to use camera distances.
- [PR #822] New driver for the Sony EVI IP camera.
- [PR #829] Refactor for recorder2 tool. Added ringed buffer.
- [PR #832] Added new holonomic cars for gazebo. They include their own plugins.
- [PR #844] Deleted obsolete interfaces to clean the project
- [PR #847] Stop support for Nao humanoid robot.
- [PR #851] Created a new tool for teleoperate IP cameras. PanTiltTeleop.
- [PR #852] Solved problem with maximum drone velocities in uav_viewer.
- [PR #859] Added a new cameraview tool in python only for ice.
- [PR #863] Included optional horizontal flip for openniserver
- [PR #862] Jderobotcomm_py now installs ROS python clients if ROS_cpp is found.
- [PR #866] Added new model for gazebo of the arduino robot MBOT
- [PR #873] Created a JdeRobot version of the ROS turtlebot model for gazebo.
- [PR #874] Renamed VisualHFSM to VisualStates
- [PR #877] Added samples folder and moved al examples to it.
- [PR #885] Updated Dockerfiles.
- [PR #880] Moved installation of the project from /usr/local to /opt. This will let the system as clear as possible.
- [PR #899] Update the world and models of JdeRobot's Academy global_navigation practice.
- [PR #901] Added new tool. Scratch2JdeRobot, will let the users program complex robot behaviours using scratch.
- [PR #908] Added the infraestructure for a new JdeRobot Academy practice based on autonomous vehicles. Autopark.
- [PR #916] Created Config library for read Yaml config files. We are migrating from ICE config file, to a more generic library based on YAML.
- [PR #918] Added the infraestructure for a new JdeRobot Academy practice based on autonomous vehicles. Stop practice.
- [PR #921] Added support for RGBD sensors in Ice to JdeRobot Comm
- [PR #721] Added the new MAVLink Server for generic drone control.
- [PR #722] Enhancement. Uav_viewer now hast two teleoperator canvas: speed and heading control.
- [PR #724] Gazebo. Added new circuits for car practices. Monaco circuit with and without elevations is now available for gazebo.
- [PR #726] Enhancement. Added new tags and materials to the aprilTags gazebo world.
- [PR #732] Enhancement. Added bumper sensor to simulated kobuki robot.
- [PR #737] Enhancement. ROS communications are now optional. Ice communications are the default.
- [PR #748 #751 #752] Added launcher file for python tools: colorTuner_py, uav_viewer_py and basic_component_py
- [PR #754] Changed from JdeRobot's logging system to Google logs.
- [PR #755] New feature. Added new robot: roomba. It has driver for gazebo and interfaces for: motors, laser, pose3d and bumper.
- [PR #760] Fix. OpenniServer works again with kinect1 devices.
- [PR #762] Integrated Google logs to openniServer.
- [PR #765] Deprecated. The C version of progeo API is now labeled as deprecated.
- [PR #768] Docker. Added docker images for demos and developing.
- [PR #769] Fix. Added support for ring buffer in recorder tool.
- [PR #784] Fix. Turtlebot cameras now offer different images. It was serving only the left camera images for both of the cams.
- [PR #787] Fix. reconstruccion3D world now loads the turtlebot model instead the deprecated pioneer robot.
- [PR #627] Included cmake config files for cmake find_package(jderobot)
- [PR #631] Added new tool Uav_viewer for python.
- [PR #656] Modified laser Ice Interface. Now it offers more and better information.
- [PR #658] Added oficial Dockerfile for JdeRobot.
- [PR #670] Deleted vtk from dependecy list.
- [PR #672] Fix. Fixed cxx flags overwrite.
- [PR #675] Added parallelIce motorsClient for c++
- [PR #676] Refactor basic_component, now is basic again.
- [PR #683] This is the main change for this release. We now support communications between ROS nodes and JdeRobot tools using ROS messages thanks to our new communications library JdeRobotComm. The current version of the library supports communication with cameras, laser, motors and odometry (pose3d). The robots/sensors supported are turtlebot (both real and simulated ones), RPLidar (360 laser scanner), Hokuyo (180 laser scanner) and RGB cameras.
- [PR #688] Added more complete world for ardrone with trees and blue sky.
- [PR #693] Using Python3 and 2. We now support the compilation of the project using python 2 or 3.
- [PR #694] Deleted 3d viewer and stategui from kobukiViewer.
- [PR #696] This is the other huge change for this version. We now support ROS communications using ROS python as well. This is the equivalent version of JdeRobotComm in c++ but made for python. This is oriented to work with our python tools as well as with our JdeRobot-Academy exercises.
- [PR #697] Deleted colorTuner c++. The python version is now the official tool for colorTuner.
- [PR #705] Moved all depencencies to Deps directory.
- [PR #710] Added Logo and JderobotComm to basic_component_py.
- [PR #711] Added jderobotComm and logo to colorTuner_py.
- [PR #714] Changed lines for points in laserWidget of kovbukiViewer. Now the readings are less noisy.
- [PR #716] Included parallelIce shared ptrs
- [PR #720] Made cameraview bilingual. Now the tool supports both ICE and ROS communications.