- http://pbxbook.com/clocks/B7971_flw.html (has video of startup message)
- http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/8908/fourletterword/index.html
- http://pbxbook.com/clocks/pdf/FLW-UM-2.5.pdf
Adafruit Quad Alphanumeric Display - Red 0.54" Digits w/ I2C Backpack
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L2X4JEW/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_c4ZIwb0SV9F0G (Ah, Amazon Prime)
http://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Extension-Breakout-Header-T-Cobbler/dp/B00NY2EBBK http://www.amazon.com/T-Cobbler-Breakout-Raspberry-GPIO-Cable/dp/B00JE1T1WY/
- hardware pushbutton to change mode on the fly (was dip switches)
- portability - original is fragile and high-voltage
- command-line flag to skip startup message
- Driving an LED
- Reading hardware switches
- displaying words on the adafruit
- Trapping ctrl-c to shut down GPIO politely as program ends.
- Python
- Breaking python into multiple files (via import)
- Dictionary mapping for functions - use this strategy to replace multiple if()s and the absence of a switch command.
- Make a python program launch on Pi power-up (via crontab)
- Python program command-line args
- ssh'ing into the Pi via wifi
- Transferring files between Mac and Pi (via rsync)
- Shell out to turn off system LED(s) then shell out to turn back on just before exiting
- basic breadboarding
- unix commands
- git
- Stream song lyrics
- Show spelling words
- make a list of synonym pairs
- Raspberry Pi Zero ($5)
- NOOBS micro SD - http://www.adafruit.com/product/2767 ($12)
- Mini HDMI to HDMI adapter https://www.adafruit.com/products/2819 ($3)
- USB On the Go (OTG) cable https://www.adafruit.com/products/1099 ($3)
- 40 pin header to solder on https://www.adafruit.com/products/2822 ($1) or just individual jumper wires
Zero might not end up being cheap ( b/c of all the parts needed to add from the basic Pi), and more work to set up so not as good for students.