deeplearning.ai Public
Forked from JudasDie/deeplearning.aiSome work of Andrew Ng's course on Coursera
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 24, 2021 -
RLTutorial Public
Teach a Taxi how to pick up clients and get them to their destination with Reinforcement Learning (Q-learning).
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 22, 2021 -
SpaceInvader Public
My first pygame game thanks to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfWpgLFMI7w
Python UpdatedFeb 14, 2021 -
rocket-meister Public
Forked from danuo/rocket-meisterRocketMeister is an extensive and sophisticated gym environment for developing and comparing reinforced learning algorithms.
Python UpdatedNov 16, 2020