Whitepaper at https://github.com/tromp/cuckoo/blob/master/doc/cuckoo.pdf?raw=true
Blog article explaining Cuckoo Cycle at http://cryptorials.io/beyond-hashcash-proof-work-theres-mining-hashing
This repo is Linux based. Microsoft Windows friendly code at https://github.com/Genoil/cuckoo
Cuckoo Cycle is the first graph-theoretic proof-of-work, and by far the most memory bound, with memory latency dominating the mining runtime, yet with instant verification.
Proofs take the form of a length 42 cycle in a bipartite graph with N nodes and N/2 edges, with N scalable from millions to billions and beyond.
This makes verification trivial: compute the 42x2 edge endpoints with one initialising sha256 and 84 very cheap siphash-2-4 hashes, check that each endpoint occurs twice, and that you come back to the starting point only after traversing 42 edges (this also makes Cuckoo Cycle, unlike Hashcash, relatively immune from Grover's quantum search algorithm).
A final sha256 hash on the sorted 42 nonces can check whether the 42-cycle meets a difficulty target.
This is implemented in just 173 lines of C code (files src/cuckoo.h and src/cuckoo.c).
From this point of view, Cuckoo Cycle is a very simple PoW, requiring hardly any code, time, or memory to verify.
Finding a 42-cycle, on the other hand, is far from trivial, requiring considerable resources, and some luck (for a given header, the odds of its graph having a 42-cycle are about 2.5%).
Global bitcoin mining consumes hundreds of megawatts, which many people have characterized as a colossal waste. Meanwhile, datacenters worldwide consume thousands of megawatts, an estimated 25-40% of which is spent on DRAM memory. Quoting from Rethinking DRAM design and organization for energy-constrained multi-cores, modern DRAM architectures are ill-suited for energy-efficient operation because they are designed to fetch much more data than required, having long been optimized for cost-per-bit rather than energy efficiency. Thus there is enormous energy savings potential in accelerating the development of more efficient DRAM designs. While this paper and others like The Dynamic Granularity Memory System have proposed several sensible and promising design improvements, memory manufacturers have taken a wait-and-see approach, likely due to the need for more advanced memory controllers, which they don't develop themselves, and uncertainty about market demand. However, a widely adopted PoW whose very bottleneck is purely random accesses to billions of individual bits would provide such demand. The world has little need for the extremely specialized SHA256 computation being efficient. But it stands to benefit a lot from more energy efficient random access memories (that, unlike SRAM, also remain very cost efficient).
The algorithm implemented in cuckoo_miner.h runs in time linear in N. (Note that running in sub-linear time is out of the question, as you could only compute a fraction of all edges, and the odds of all 42 edges of a cycle occurring in this fraction are astronomically small).
Memory-wise, it uses N/2 bits to maintain a subset of all edges (potential cycle edges) and N additional bits (or N/2^k bits with corresponding slowdown) to trim the subset in a series of edge trimming rounds. This is the phase that takes the vast majority of (latency dominated) runtime.
Once the subset is small enough, an algorithm inspired by Cuckoo Hashing is used to recognise all cycles, and recover those of the right length.
The runtime of a single proof attempt on a 4GHz i7-4790K is 3.5 min/GB single-threaded, or 1.5 min/GB for 8 threads.
I claim that this implementation is a reasonably optimal Cuckoo miner, secondly, that trading off memory for running time, as implemented in tomato_miner.h, incurs at least one order of magnitude extra slowdown, and finally, that cuda_miner.cu is a reasonably optimal GPU miner. The latter runs about 4x faster on an NVIDA GTX 980 than on an Intel Core-i7 CPU. To that end, I offer the following bounties:
$2000 for an open source implementation that finds 42-cycles twice as fast, possibly using more memory.
$2000 for an open source implementation that uses at most N/k bits while finding 42-cycles up to 10 k times slower, for any k>=2.
Both of these bounties require N ranging over {2^28,2^30,2^32} and #threads ranging over {1,2,4,8}, and further assume a high-end Intel Core i7 or Xeon and recent gcc compiler with regular flags as in my Makefile.
$1000 for an open source implementation for a consumer GPU combo that finds 42-cycles twice as fast as cuda_miner.cu on comparable hardware. Again with N ranging over {2^28,2^30,2^32}.
The Makefile defines corresponding targets cpubounty, tmtobounty, and gpubounty. These bounties are admittedly modest in size, but then claiming them might only require one or two insightful tweaks to my existing implementations.
In order to minimize the risk of missing out on less drastic improvements, I offer half of the above bounties for improvements within sqrt(2) of the target.
I invite anyone who'd like to see my claims tested to donate to the Cuckoo Cycle Bounty Fund at
1CnrpdKtfF3oAZmshyVC1EsRUa25nDuBvN (wallet balance as of Nov 1, 2016: 6.11 BTC)
I intend for the total bounty value to stay ahead of funding levels. Happy bounty hunting!