This skill showcases a couple different ideas. One is turning on a light using IFTTT.
The api key in this code has been been rendered invalid but I left it there so people could see it as it should look.
It also has a go to sleep behavior. It's not perfect though. You can issue a go to sleep command and that happens fine, and when you say hey Jibo, he wakes up. But then you need to say hey Jibo again to issue a command. Probably something super easy to fix, but I haven't figured it out yet.
The plan is to have Jibo get bored after a while and go to sleep on his own after a bit. While asleep, you will note a very subtle pulsing of the LED ring. Just show that he is still alive.
Another behavior that is "almost" there is that Jibo will wait 10 seconds after any command for a thank you before he stops listening. The only thing I might change here is to find a way to exclude some behaviors from this feature.