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Neotest .NET

Neotest adapter for dotnet tests

NOTE - This is a WIP project and will be under development over the coming months with additional features

  • Please feel free to open an issue


neotest-dotnet requires makes a number of assumptions about your environment:

  1. The dotnet sdk that is compatible with the current project is installed and the dotnet executable is on the users runtime path (future updates may allow customisation of the dotnet exe location)
  2. The user is running tests using one of the supported test runners / frameworks (see support grid)
  3. (For Debugging) netcoredbg is installed and nvim-dap plugin has been configured for netcoredbg (see debug config for more details)
  4. Requires nvim-treesitter and the parser for C#.


    requires = {
    Plug ''
    Plug ''


  adapters = {

Additional configuration settings can be provided:

  adapters = {
      -- Extra arguments for nvim-dap configuration
      -- See for values
      dap = { justMyCode = false },
      -- Let the test-discovery know about your custom attributes (otherwise tests with not be picked up)
      -- Note: Only custom attributes for non-parameterized tests should be added here. See the support note about parameterized tests
      custom_attributes = {
        xunit = { "MyCustomFactAttribute" },
        nunit = { "MyCustomTestAttribute" },
        mstest = { "MyCustomTestMethodAttribute" }
      -- Tell neotest-dotnet to use either solution (requires .sln file) or project (requires .csproj or .fsproj file) as project root
      -- Note: If neovim is opened from the solution root, using the 'project' setting may sometimes find all nested projects, however,
      --       to locate all test projects in the solution more reliably (if a .sln file is present) then 'solution' is better.
      discovery_root = "project" -- Default


  • Install netcoredbg to a location of your choosing and configure nvim-dap to point to the correct path
  • The example below uses the mason.nvim default install path:
local install_dir = path.concat{ vim.fn.stdpath "data", "mason" }

dap.adapters.netcoredbg = {
  type = 'executable',
  command = install_dir .. '/packages/netcoredbg/netcoredbg',
  args = {'--interpreter=vscode'}

NOTE: When debugging, the result output is currently not correctly relayed back to neotest (it instead reads the output from the debugger process, and registers all tests run using the 'dap' strategy as failed). The correct test feedback is displayed in a terminal window as a workaround for this limitation. This will also affect the output in the neotest-summary window. Hopefully this will be fixed in time.

Framework Support

The adapter supports NUnit, xUnit and MSTest frameworks, to varying degrees. Given each framework has their own test runner, and specific features and attributes, it is a difficult task to support all the possible use cases for each one.

To see if your use case is supported, check the grids below. If it isn't there, feel free to raise a ticket, or better yet, take a look at how to contribute and raise a PR to support your use case!


✔️ = Fully supported

〽️ = Partially Supported (functionality might behave unusually)

⁉️ = As yet untested

❌ = Unsupported (tested)


Framework Feature Scope Level Docs Status Notes
Test (Attribute) Method Test - Nunit ✔️ Supported when used inside a class with or without the TestFixture attribute decoration
TestFixture (Attribute) Class TestFixture - Nunit ✔️
TestCase() (Attribute) Method TestCase - Nunit ✔️ Support for parameterized tests with inline parameters. Supports neotest 'run nearest' and 'run file' functionality
Nested Classes Class ✔️ Fully qualified name is corrected to include + when class is nested
Theory (Attribute) Method Theory - Nunit Currently has conflicts with XUnits Theory which is more commonly used


Framework Feature Scope Level Docs Status Notes
Fact (Attribute) Method Fact - xUnit ✔️
Theory (Attribute) Method Theory - xUnit ✔️ Used in conjunction with the InlineData() attribute
InlineData() (Attribute) Method Theory - xUnit ✔️ Support for parameterized tests with inline parameters. Supports neotest 'run nearest' and 'run file' functionality
Nested Classes Class ✔️ Fully qualified name is corrected to include + when class is nested


  1. A tradeoff was made between being able to run parameterized tests and the specificity of the dotnet --filter command options. A more lenient 'contains' type filter is used in order for the adapter to be able to work with parameterized tests. Unfortunately, no amount of formatting would support specific FullyQualifiedName filters for the dotnet test command for parameterized tests.
  2. See the support guidance for feature and language support
  1. As mentioned in the Debugging section, there are some discrepancies in test output at the moment.


Any help on this plugin would be very much appreciated. It has turned out to be a more significant effort to account for all the Microsoft dotnet test quirks and various differences between each test runner, than I had initially imagined.

First Steps

If you have a use case that the adapter isn't quite able to cover, a more detailed understanding of why can be achieved by following these steps:

  1. Setting the loglevel property in your neotest setup config to 1 to reveal all the debug logs from neotest-dotnet
  2. Open up your tests file and do what your normally do to run the tests
  3. Look through the neotest log files for logs prefixed with neotest-dotnet (can be found by running the command echo stdpath("log"))
  4. You should be able to piece together how the nodes in the neotest summary window are created (Using logs from tests that are "Found")
  • The Tree for each test run is printed as a list (search for Creating specs from tree) from each test run
  • The individual specs usually follow after in the log list, showing the command and context for each spec
  • TRX Results Output can be searched to find out how neotest-dotnet is parsing the test output files
  • Final results are tied back to the original list of discovered tests by using a set of conversion functions:
  • Test Nodes are logged - these are taken from the original node tree list, and filtered to include only the test nodes and their children (if any)
  • Intermediate Results are obtained and logged by parsing the TRX output into a list of test results
  • The test nodes and intermediate results are passed to a function to correlate them with each other. If the test names in the nodes match the test names from the intermediate results, a final neotest-result for that test is returned and matched to the original test position from the very initial tree of nodes

Usually, if tests are not appearing in the neotest summary window, or are failing to be discovered by individual or grouped test runs, there will usually be an issue with one of the above steps. Carefully examining the names in the original node list and the names of the tests in each of the result lists, usually highighlights a mismatch.

  1. Narrow down the function where you think the issue is.
  2. Look through the unit tests (named by convention using <filename_spec.lua>) and check if there is a test case covering the use case for your situation
  3. Write a test case that would enable your use case to be satisfied
  4. See that the test fails
  5. Try to fix the issue until the test passes

Running Tests

To run the plenary tests from CLI, in the root folder, run

make test


Neotest adapter for dotnet







No packages published


  • Lua 96.1%
  • Makefile 1.7%
  • C# 1.2%
  • Shell 1.0%