- South Florida
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesse-bausell-8b8845151/
Hydrolight_MFile_reader_py Public
This python notebook reformats a series of Hydrolight-generated m-files (radiative transfer outputs) into hdf5 files. This enables easier access to data for investigators, who can work with structu…
Python-for-Earth-Scientists Public
Python Tutorials written for NASA Student Airborne Research Program
Unaccounted scattering must be accounted for when using the WETLabs spectral absorption and attenuation meter (ac-s) with a 25 cm optical pathlength. McKee et al. (2013) devise an iterative method …
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedSep 11, 2020 -
Consistent with up to date protocols, hs6PROCESS_INTERACTIVE processes raw backscattering data as sampled in natural water bodies using HOBI Labs Hydroscat-6 (hs6). hs6PROCESS_SEABASS should is als…
Hydrolight53_Bootstrap Public
HE53_Bootstrap enables user to evaluate radiative transfer using field-measured inherent optical properties (IOPs). The program accepts ac-s and hs6 data and performs bootstrapping with replacement…
Consistent with up to date protocols and NASA's SEABASS submission standards, acsPROCESS_INTERACTIVE processes raw absorption/attenuation data as sampled in natural water bodies using WET Labs ac-s…
Consistent with up to date protocols and NASA's SEABASS submission standards, acsPROCESS_SEABASS processes raw absorption/attenuation data as sampled in natural water bodies using WET Labs ac-s met…
Consistent with up to date protocols and NASA's SEABASS submission standards, hs6PROCESS_SEABASS processes raw backscattering data as sampled in natural water bodies using HOBI Labs Hydroscat-6 (h…
Purewater_SpecBuilder_acs Public
Creates single absorption (a) and attenuation (c) spectra for Wet Labs ac-s meter pure-water calibration measurements as performed in the laboratory, typically directly preceding or following a fie…
MATLAB Other UpdatedJun 17, 2019 -
ENVI_MaskPixel_Harvester Public
Reconfigures ENVI imagery data (ascii file) for analysis using a data science programing language (e.g. Matlab or Python)
MATLAB Other UpdatedJun 17, 2019 -
Hydrolight_MReader Public
Re-configures data from Hydrolight m-files into MAT files using HDF5 based format.