Welcome to Type-Fast-Type-Furious. This is a single page application built using Vanilla JavaScript that puts your typing speed to the test.
- Language: Javascript, Node.js
- Testing: Jasmine and Karma
- API: Ron Swanson Quotes
In your terminal, run:
git clone [email protected]:jessicabarclay/type-fast-type-furious.git
cd type-fast-type-furious
open index.html
As a human that enjoys basking in the glory of my typing speed.
So that I can put my speed to the test.
I want a game that can tell me my WPM.
As a human that looks up to Ron Swanson.
So that I can revel in his greatness.
I want the game to test me by listing quotes from Ron for me to type.
As a human that enjoys basking in the glory of my typing speed,
So that I can see what I'm meant to be typing.
I'd like the text I'm meant to be typing to be displayed.
As a human that enjoys basking in the glory of my typing speed,
So that I can have my speed assessed.
I'd like an area in which to type.
As a human that enjoys basking in the glory of my typing speed.
So that I can gain satisfaction at not having typed junk.
I would like to fail unless I type the text excerpt exactly as specified.
As a person that appreciates pretty design.
So that I can better appreciate my typing experience.
I would like to be tested on a site that looks lovely.