Salient object detection Benchmark
The Saliency Benchmark compare, qualitatively and quan- titatively, 42 state-of-the-art models(30 salient object detection, 10 fixation prediction, 1 objectness, and 1 baseline) over 6challenging datasets for the purpose of benchmarking salient object detection and segmentation methods.
Please refer our project page for the url of each method:
This is a sample of the Benchmark.
Quick Start
1.Download and UnZip SalBenchmark.rar.
2.Install OpenCV (2.0 and 3.0 are both OK).
3.Run ./Code/matlab/RunAll.m to produce SaliencyMap.
4.Open ./Code/Demo.sln (Visual Studio 2013).
5.Press "Ctrl + F5" in release x64(recommend).
6.OK,you have got all materials.
- There are tow DataSets named "DataSet1" and "DataSet2" in ./Data Folder.
- In the DataSet exist one Folder named "Imgs", which include Source images and correspond Ground Truth.
- You can put your own Dataset using the format above.
- If "Quick Start" is finished, You will get a Folder-"Results", which include anything. In this Folder, you can run "DataSet***.m" by Matlab to get all evaluate curve in correspond DataSet. And run the Results.tex, you can get all charts.
Warning You should not put this sample in the Folder using ChineseName.