./build.sh install
# clean and build new one
./dev.sh "new"
# use existed image to run container
# Alternative
./build.sh stop && docker-compose up -d && docker logs -f next-playground --since 0s
- Node 18+ (node 18-alpine)
npm install
# or
yarn install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
npm run lint
# or
yarn run lint
npm run build
# or
yarn run build
./build.sh lint
./build.sh build
to change ./environment/.env-local
create file ${name_env}.json and start :
# example project root /app
touch env-production.json
# insert content
# /app/* -> projects location
# /app/env-production.json
NODE_PROD='env-production.json' yarn run build && NODE_PROD='env-production.json' yarn run start