Route with cache for react-router V5 like <keep-alive /> in Vue
A curated list of small, focused npm packages.
An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
现代 JavaScript 教程(The Modern JavaScript Tutorial),以最新的 ECMAScript 规范为基准,通过简单但足够详细的内容,为你讲解从基础到高阶的 JavaScript 相关知识。
Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.
Glob all files that are not compiled by webpack under webpack's context
Extensible SQL Lexer and Parser for Rust
📱🚀 🧩 Cross Device & High Performance Normal Form/Dynamic(JSON Schema) Form/Form Builder -- Support React/React Native/Vue 2/Vue 3
A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.)
A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
A plugin for Mac WeChat
Growth 3.0 with React Native - an app to help you to be Awesome Developer
Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
Vue.js and Property Decorator
🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)
monorepo for Babel / Vue JSX related packages
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to