An F# library for syntactically nice construction of DateTime and TimeSpan objects.
Tempus fugit.
Fugit provides functions that make code dealing with DateTime and TimeSpan objects nicer to work with.
oneDay |> ago
2 |> weeks |> before (January 23 2021)
every oneHour |> since (5 |> hours |> ago)
// Or, equivalently
every oneHour |> in' (theLast (5 |> hours))
if input |> isAfter (52 |> weeks |> ago) then
// Relative days of the week
theThird Monday |> after (today())
Fugit is available on NuGet at
Fugit.NodaTime is available on NuGet at
Proper documentation is in progress! In the meantime, most of the code is documented and fairly straightforward.
While I have strived my best to make the two libraries as similar as possible, there are a few differences:
- Some Fugit.NodaTime constructors use
, whereas all Fugit constructors useint
- Fugit.NodaTime allows dependency injection on functions that rely on the current time, Fugit does not.
Pull requests are very welcome! Code is formatted with Fantomas.
Fugit is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license. You can read it here.