- Anápolis - GO
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/joaovitorfelipedossantos/
graphrec-tcc Public
Experimentos para o trabalho de conclusão da Especialização em Inteligência Artificial
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 30, 2024 -
tempo-avaliacao Public
Projeto de teste para aplicação em processo seletivo na Tempo Telecom
TypeScript UpdatedOct 11, 2023 -
tutorial-electron Public
Pequeno tutorial para compreender a estrutura do framework Electron
HTML UpdatedNov 10, 2022 -
aiko-core Public
Natural Language Processing core for all the AIKO applications. Responsible for understanding user intentions and returning data/commands for the applications who consumes it.
aiko-api Public
Application responsible for redirecting all the applications to the database and scripts.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 7, 2022 -
aiko-discord-bot Public
Music bot for discord, based on the AIKO Project. Made for a friend's discord group, this bot is able to play musics from youtube videos and playlists!
samujjwaal Public
Forked from samujjwaal/samujjwaalGitHub Profile ReadMe | Do leave a 🌟 if helpful.
UpdatedSep 18, 2021 -
Best-README-Template Public template
Forked from othneildrew/Best-README-TemplateAn awesome README template to jumpstart your projects!
MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2020 -
rasa-demo Public
Forked from RasaHQ/rasa-demo🐯 Sara - the Rasa Demo Bot: An example of a contextual AI assistant built with the open source Rasa Stack
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2020 -
codeminer-test-front Public
Projeto de teste para candidatura na Codeminer42
JavaScript UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
quiron-view Public
Forked from mateusbw/quiron-viewSistema Quiron - Controle de Monitorias para UEG Campus CET Henrique Santillo. Construído para a disciplina de PIDS.
TypeScript UpdatedJun 28, 2019 -
angular-multi-select Public
Forked from isteven/angular-multi-selectA multi select dropdown directive for AngularJS. Allows you to use HTML tags and CSS in the data. Requires only AngularJS and nothing else.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2019