Northwestern University Knight Lab
- Chicago, IL
- http://blog.germuska.com
- @joe.germuska.com
- @[email protected]
- https://www.threads.net/@joegermuska
Decentralized global data catalog protocol for all scientific data
The official repo of the Comics Survey: "A missing piece in Vision and Language: A Survey on Comics Understanding"
Things in Python, Pandas, GeoPandas and Jupyter that I've had to look up or weren't obvious in the documentation.
Cookiecutter template for creating new Click command-line tools
dynamic data binding along a timeline with HTML5 media elements
Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
📚 Freely available programming books
Example code to accompany NICAR 13 talk on creating reusable components
DataKind Chicago Data Dive, May 2012
JoeGermuska / Datadives
Forked from datakind/DatadivesA repository for all code generated at our Datadive events
JoeGermuska / census-postgres
Forked from leehach/census-postgresPostgreSQL schema and import scripts for recent US Census data
PostgreSQL schema and import scripts for recent US Census data
JoeGermuska / scrapelib
Forked from jamesturk/scrapeliba library for scraping things
A repository for all code generated at our Datadive events
Autocomplete for address searches
JoeGermuska / ffs
Forked from wireservice/ffsSchemas to convert common fixed-width file formats into CSV using in2csv.
Schemas to convert common fixed-width file formats into CSV using in2csv.
JoeGermuska / agent-plugins
Forked from cloudkick/agent-pluginsA collection of custom plugins for the Cloudkick agent
A simple Python wrapper for the DocumentCloud API