Just another CHIP-8 emulator written in C++ as a pet-project idea. Inspired on Austin Morlan nice work.
Writing this emulator could be a good idea to learn how a microprocessor works. So I tried and it was fun. As CHIP-8 is a simple virtual machine, this was a quite easy project that helped me to put in practise a little of what I learned about some specific embedded-like courses in my university.
Just type
> ./chip8 <scale> <delay> <path to ROM file>
For example, you can use the corax89 test rom with
> ./chip8 10 1 ./test_opcode.ch8
Briefly, a CHIP-8 program is just a sequence of 2 bytes fixed-length assembly instructions like this (representation is hexadecimal)
We need someone (the Control Unit) that (1) fetch the instruction, (2) decode (operation assembly) and finally (3) execute it. Also, we need the data structure that represents some registers.
So, what we have is just a C++ class with some member variables like pc
(Program Counter), sp
(Stack Pointer), a set of general purpose registers (from V0 to VF) and so on...
uint8_t registers[16]; //V0, V1, V2... VF
uint16_t index;
uint16_t pc;
uint8_t sp;
The CHIP-8 program is loaded in main memory. We can implement it simply using an uint8_t array of 4096 byte (a word is 1 byte length).
uint8_t memory[4096];
Finally, to implement Von Neumann cycle, we just write this small and quite self explanatory cycle()
member function
this->opcode = (memory[pc] << 8u) | memory[pc + 1]; //fetch
this->pc += 2; //pc increment
(this->*(table[(opcode & 0xF000u) >> 12u]))(); //decode and execute
Each opcode has its equivalent member function, that is a void function with no arguments because operands are decoded inside it.
The last instruction of cycle()
can be quite obscure for newbies. Let's reveal the magic under it.
A CHIP-8 instruction is something like
6xkk # or LD Vx, kk
- 6 is a costant that helps recognizing the instruction
- x is the index of a general purpose register (Vx)
- kk is a byte in hexadecimal representation
xkk is parametrized. The only way to recognize this instruction is the first digit. Fortunately, there are no other instructions that start with the digit 6.
Opcodes that start with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, A, B, C, D are unique. There are more than one opcode that start with 8, but they differ for the last digit and it can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, E.
There are more than one opcode that start with 0, but they differ for the last digit and it can be 0 or E.
There are more than one opcode that start with E, but they differ for the last digit and it can be 1 or E.
Finally, there are more than one opcode that start with F, but they differ for the last two digits and they can be 07, 0A, 15, 18, 1E, 29, 33, 55, 65.
A way to implement a dispatcher that executes the correct function based on a opcode is an array of pointer functions, one for each possible opcode. Let's start distinguish them though first digit. This array of pointer function is 16 elements length
Chip8Fun table[0xF + 1];
table[0x0] = &Chip8::Table0; //need a second stage. There are more than one opcode that start with zero
table[0x1] = &Chip8::OP_1nnn;
table[0x2] = &Chip8::OP_2nnn;
table[0x3] = &Chip8::OP_3xkk;
table[0x4] = &Chip8::OP_4xkk;
table[0x5] = &Chip8::OP_5xy0;
table[0x6] = &Chip8::OP_6xkk;
table[0x7] = &Chip8::OP_7xkk;
table[0x8] = &Chip8::Table8; //to second stage: an array of function pointer for opcode that start with 8
table[0x9] = &Chip8::OP_9xy0;
table[0xA] = &Chip8::OP_Annn;
table[0xB] = &Chip8::OP_Bnnn;
table[0xC] = &Chip8::OP_Cxkk;
table[0xD] = &Chip8::OP_Dxyn;
table[0xE] = &Chip8::TableE; //to second stage
table[0xF] = &Chip8::TableF; //to second stage
The C++ instruction in cycle()
(this->*(table[(opcode & 0xF000u) >> 12u]))();
executes the right function based on first digit of instruction. If it is something like 0, 8, E, F we need a second dispatcher aka another array of pointer functions.
When opcode start with 0, 8 and E, we need to distinguish base on last digit
void Table0() { (this->*(table0[opcode & 0x000Fu]))(); }
void Table8() { (this->*(table8[opcode & 0x000Fu]))(); }
void TableE() { (this->*(tableE[opcode & 0x000Fu]))(); }
meanwhile with F-class function we need the last two digits
void TableF() { (this->*(tableF[opcode & 0x00FFu]))(); }
As you can see by the definitions above, the second dispatcher is similar to the instruction inside the cycle()
function. Just need to initialize the arrays inside the Chip8 constructor.
You need to install the SDL2 library.
Using CMake, this is a working example of CMakeLists.txt
(partially auto-generated by vscode extension)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)
project(chip8emulator VERSION 0.1.0)
find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED)
add_executable(chip8 main.cpp chip8.cpp)
target_link_libraries(chip8 ${SDL2_LIBRARIES})
Austin Morlan blog.
Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference v1.0 link.
Wikipedia CHIP-8 article.