Have you ever wished parrots would just stay put on your shoulder? Perch is a simple mod that makes falling not cause entites (see: parrots) to fall off of your shoulder.
Sneak right-clicking the ground with nothing in your main hand will now cause all entities on your shoulder to dismount. Additionally, all other vanilla interactions that cause parrots to dismount still apply. These include: touching water, flying, sleeping, and standing in powder snow
The mod should work entirely server-side. If you install it on the server, no players will need to install the mod. Simply having it installed to the server will be enough!
Sure does!
Nope! That's all. And I currently have no other plans for it.
Given that it's such a small mod, there isn't a whole lot that could go wrong, but saying that has opened me up to being incredibly wrong. If you find something wrong, report it on the Issue tracker