A small package that enables you to select entities in the unity sceneview.
Works with every RenderPipeline.
- Make sure you're in PlayMode & your focus is on the sceneview (not gameview)
- Point to the entity with mouse pointer (first selection can take some time, depends on total amount entities with meshes)
- Press the '1' key (Non Numpad)
=> Inspector window should show all info for entity.
The package is available on the openupm registry. You can install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add io.github.jonasdem.entityselection
- Click the green "Clone or download" button and copy the url.
- In Unity go to Window>Package Manager and Press the + sign in the left-top corner of the Package Manager window.
- Select "Add package from git URL...", Paste the URL and press "Add". Done!
Or manually add the dependency to the Packages/manifest.json file.
"dependencies": {
"io.github.jonasdem.entityselection": "https://github.com/JonasDeM/EntitySelection.git"
BugFixes and UX improvements are appreciated. Performance Improvements are welcome, since I'm not prioritizing those. No setup should ever be needed.
Thanks to Tom for making this repo a package.
- Use left-click for selection (Blocked, OnMouseUp event currently gets consumed by the SceneView, not sure a workaround exists)
- Low Priority: Performance Improvements (Waiting for MaterialPropertyBlocks in DOTS)