Version 0.5.7-FORK
MongoDB API for a videogame database
- No semicolon termination
- Class containment for related variables
- ES imports
- Newline between functions / classes / logical blocks
- Foreign imports seperated from local imports
- 4 spaces indentation
// Space at beginning of line comment
var localVariable
const localConst
let blockVariable
let #_privateVariable
let longLiteralNumber = 1_000_000
PascalCase(args) {
// Code
- Prefer static over singleton
- Object oriented style
class PascalCase {
// Code
Goes to index, includes any combination after /
e.g /abcdefg
/ -> returns clans, default 10
/amount/:amount -> returns amount of clans
/count -> returns amount of clans in database
/id/:uuid -> returns clan with given uuid
/xp/:xp -> returns list of clans with XP under given amount
-> sorted from highest to lowest, limited to 1000 results by default
/ -> returns players, default 10
/amount/:amount -> returns amount of players
/count -> returns amount of players in database
/id/:uuid -> returns player with given uuid
/username/:username -> returns player with given username
/account/:account -> returns player with given account uuid
/clan/:clan -> returns list of players in given clan (uuid)
/xp/:xp -> returns list of players with XP under given amount
-> sorted from highest to lowest, limited to 1000 results by default
/level/:level -> returns list of players with level under given amount
-> sorted from highest to lowest, limited to 1000 results by default
/games/:game -> returns list of players with games under given amount
-> sorted from highest to lowest, limited to 1000 results by default
/wins/:wins -> returns list of players with level under given amount
-> sorted from highest to lowest, limited to 1000 results by default
/count -> returns amount of accounts in database
/ -> returns index.html homepage file
/:x/:y -> unknown paths return 404.html file
/ -> displays API internal data
/ -> returns accounts, default 10
/amount/:amount -> returns amount of accounts
/id/:uuid -> returns account with given uuid
/name/:name -> returns account with given name
/email/:email -> returns account with given account email
/register -> registers an account
-> requires ["name", "email", "password"] in JSON body
/login -> logs in, returns auth_token
-> requires ["email", "password"] in JSON body
/logout -> logs out, returns success (true/false)
-> requires JWT in "Authorization" header as a Bearer token
/admin -> registers an admin account
-> requires ["name", "email", "password"] in JSON body
/delete -> deletes an account
-> requires ["password"] in JSON body
-> and JWT in "Authorization" header as a Bearer token
/update -> updates account email
-> requires ["email"] in JSON body
-> and JWT in "Authorization" header as a Bearer token