This is a command line tool for searching and retrieving preprint papers from bioRxiv and medRxiv servers.
To use the tool, run:
You will be prompted to enter:
The server to search - either biorxiv or medrxiv
Number of days back to search
Search term
The script will retrieve papers from the specified server in the given date range, search the titles and abstracts for the search term, and print out matches.
You can then enter the number of a paper to open its page in your default web browser.
The script requires the following Python packages:
requests, json, webbrowser, datetime, urllib
Install any missing packages before running the script:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The script prints out the matched papers with the title, first author, date, and DOI.
It then allows opening the paper's page in a web browser by entering its number.
The search is limited to 3 days back due to API restrictions
Invalid inputs will print error messages
No matches found will exit the program
API provided by bioRxiv/medRxiv: