- Edit config.def
- Run the ./install script
Our goal is to create a minimal yet functional blogging engine. The usage of standard unix tools like awk or sh allows us to archive tasks others need bloat-ware for.
The heart of buch is a git repository containing your blog-articles. You can thus checkout this repostitory and commit new blog entries or change them. By pushing your changes a git-hook is executed which converts your markdown-files and generates an index.
Mehl you can also send an e-mail with your article as plain/text to a functional e-mailbox. Mehl then commits and pushes it to the blog-repository, so the new entry appears. (tbd)
Put your markdown files into the pages/ directory of your working copy ($WORKINGCOPY)
Add, commit and push your changes to your bare repository ($BAREREPOSITORY) a. public-branch du in the DEPLOYMENT_DIR b. private-branch deploys in the PRIVATE_DEPLOYMENT_DIR
watch your generated html-files in your deployment-path
- brot should be called buch. refactoring needed.
- support for attachments in mehl
- a bare repo can be dropped in a local environment installation script should support this