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This readme is currently a work in progress Learn more in the wiki.

Please read our code of conduct.

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Table of Contents

Tech Overview


  • Geospatial Databases: Consider PostGIS or SpatialSQL(a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL) for managing geospatial data efficiently.
  • Mapping and Visualization: Use, Leaflet, or OpenLayers for interactive web mapping.
  • Database: Choose databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL for structured data and
  • TimescaleDB for time-series data storage.
  • Big Data: For handling large volumes of data, consider Apache Hadoop and Apache HBase.
  • Context Broker: FiWare (possible)


You can get your dev environment up and running with installing only Docker and docker-compose. The npm and backend dev servers run in docker containers, synced with source code directories so that code changes propagate on the local servers right away. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to ask on our Discord channel!

  1. Fork the repo to create a copy for your own github account, and clone your own copy. (Read for important info about syncing code your on github)

  2. Install docker

Running the docker stack

In the project's root directory, run make new. This pulls the dev-tagged "opentwin" image and launches the containers using docker-compose. Start and stop the running stack with make up and make down.

After this target completes, you can navigate to http://localhost:3000 in the browser and connect to the React dev server with full hot-module reloading. This may take a minute or two to come up before it is available while it installs node modules. Check the service with make frontend_logs.

In the course of backend development, one may not need to be running the React/HMR dev server. To build the frontend static files, and use Flask to serve them, run the following command:

$ make frontend_down frontend_build

Then navigate to http://localhost:5000 to access the backend service directly. This is configured to serve the static files. make up will start the HMR dev server again at 3000 if you stopped it.

Whenever a dependency is added to the backend, someone needs to rebuild the dev-tagged image and push or folks will get errors when trying to run the stack. To do so, rebuild the image, and reload the backend with:

$ make backend_build backend_reload

If it works, push with:

$ make push

More details in DevOps README.

For more project documentation on Docker, some troubleshooting, and some basic commands, see: doc/


While in the directory of your local repo, run:

$ make clean

in order to remove build artifacts.

To completely remove containers, volumes, and compose networks, run:

$ make clobber


See DevOps README.


Currently using pytest for testing the backend. Run all backend tests by running the following command in the project root directory:

$ make backend_test

This runs a pytest command to execute all the unit tests inside the backend docker container. All of these tests should pass if you have correctly set up the backend dev environment.

To run a subset of test cases without first shelling into the docker container, you can use a docker-compose exec command, which specifies a container by service name and a runnable command in the container in a single step, e.g.:

$ docker-compose exec expungeservice pipenv run pytest tests/[subdir]

To specify and run a subset of the test cases.


Please see

Technical Documentation

  • Project technical design: Wiki)


Please see License


Open Digital Twin project repository







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