A MATLAB interpretation of NEO, a python package for organizing large datasets of multi-channel extracellular recordings.
mNEO is an all-purpose, modular package for analyzing and organizing large-scale electrophysiology recordings. While other excellent packages exist for a similar purpose (see "MClust", "KlustaKwik", "Spike2", and "SimpleClust" for some examples), each has its own shortcomming (including strict dependence on specific file formats, limited sorting routines, and lack of an integrated heirarchical organization system) that the mNeo package is aimed at resolving. This package is built completely in the MATLAB language, meaning the only pre-processing needed for interfacing with the package is loading one's data into the MATLAB workspace.
The strength of this package comes from the combination of raw data preprocessing, spike detection and sorting, and an extensive multitiered system for organizing and storing data (highly inspired by the Neo Python package). The various classes used for data processing and organization are subclasses of the MATLAB handle class, meaning data and objects are all passed by reference. This results in a much more efficient data processing pipeline as objects (i.e. neurons, spikes, electrodes, etc.) and their corresponding data (i.e. spike waveforms, raw signals, etc.) grow in size. However, those unfamiliar with referenced data (as in Python) should familiarize themselves to avoid overwriting data accidentally. (Please also see the heirarchy scheme)
At the top level, the Block class contains metadata (file names, paths, recording data, recording condition...) for a particular recording file, and has methods for updating, printing, and writing all data contained within the block to disk. For the best organization, a data pipeline for each recording should begin with the creation of a Block instance that accumulates the various channels, signals, electrodes, and neurons discovered in the raw data.
Parents: n/a
Children: ChannelIndex, Epoch, Electrode
A class for storing a group of channels together that should logically be contained as one object. For instance, the four channels of a tetrode can be associated with one ChannelIndex instance, resulting in the subsequenct association of an action potential or neuron detected on any of these channels with all four channels of the tetrode. ChannelIndex objects contain methods for spike detection, sorting, and for interfacing with the sortTool GUI (see GUI folder). Although not all recording conditions may involve grouped electrodes, one should still associate spatially isolated electrodes with their own ChannelIndex instances for subsequent spike detection and sorting, as Electrode objects (below) do not have these capabilities.
Parents: Block
Children: Electrode, Neuron
A sister class to the ChannelIndex, the Epoch class organizes raw or processed signals and spikes associated with a particular window of time. An Epoch can be any user-defined window of time surrounding some event, such as the onset of a stimulus, the initiation of a decision go-cue, etc. Each such event can be stored into its own Epoch instance, which greatly facilitates trial-based analyses such as peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs), spike-triggered averaging (STA), or paired statistics between experimental events.
Parents: Block
Children: Signal, Spikes
The Electrode class is a container for Signal objects recoreded from the same, single channel. The Electrode object can contain multiple Signal objects (i.e. each pointing to a different Epoch), and can also belong to multiple ChannelIndex objects (as in a dense multi-electrode array where K-neighboring channels are considered a group). Note that while an Electrode object contains methods for pulling out the spike waveforms and raw voltage traces associated with that electrode, it cannot perform spike sorting or detection as, in general, such functionality is better suited to parallelization across multiple channels. Thus, one must ensure an Electrode is associated with 1 or more ChannelIndex objects for spike analysis.
Parents: ChannelIndex, Block
Children: Signal
A Neuron object represents a (putatively) isolated neuron and its associated Spikes children (spike times and voltage waveforms). Neuron objects are assigned unique identifiers for each ChannelIndex independently. Thus, more than 1 Neuron with a certain ID may exist within the entire Block framework, however no two Neuron objects will have identical IDs and the same ChannelIndex parent. Spikes across all Epochs are associated with a particular Neuron, and under certain spike-sorting routines (i.e. EM-GMM, EM-TMM), that Neuron object will contain a working model of the low-dimensional spike-waveform distribution, allowing for the addition of future spikes.
Parents: ChannelIndex
Children: Spikes
Raw and/or processed, continuous voltage traces are associated with a particular Signal object, itself contained within an Electrode. Multiple Signal objects within a single Electrode may exist, as in the case of multiple segments of data extracted from the entire recording. A Signal contains no children, and has functions including filtering, resampling, and noise estimation. By containing continuous data within a Signal object, one may reference or pass such data freely between variables without the overhead of copying large vectors.
Parents: Electrode, Epoch
Children: n/a
Like the Signal class, the Spikes class has no children, but contains the raw voltage waveforms and times of action potentials detected from sister Signal objects. These Spike objects are contained within parent Neuron and Epoch objects, which facilitates clean organization and efficient retreival and analysis of neural firing patterns. Spikes are automatically created when running the spike detection method of the ChannelIndex object, provided there are Signal and Electrode objects to detect spikes from. Further, unsorted Spike objects will be automatically deleted and re-instantiated with the appropriate sorted waveforms belonging to new Neuron parents after running the spike-sorting method of the ChannelIndex object. Thus, one needn't worry about keeping track of which spike waveforms and times belong to particular neurons as the list of neurons grows, as this is taken care of intuitively and automatically.
Parents: Neuron, Epoch
Children: n/a
Finally, the abstract Container class is not meant to be interfaced with directly, but provides the needed functionality for the classes listed above to reference one another via the "parent-child" framework. Because the Container class inherets from the builtin handle class, the above classes too inheret from the handle class, hence their ability to be reference instead of copied. All of the above classes can reference / de-reference one another through the self.addChild
, self.addParent
, self.removeChild
, and self.removeParent
methods, where self
is replaced by the variable pointing to a particular class instance. Additionally, one may point local variables to particular children or parents of an object using the self.getChild( 'child_class_type' )
and self.getParent( 'parent_class_type' )
, where child_class_type
and parent_class_type
refer to the actual names of the classes contained within that particular instance.
While much of the package was written by me, certain features were either inspired by or taken directly from others. In particular:
- Laurens van der Maaten's wonderful dimension reduction toolbox
- The fastICA implementation of ICA
- Joshua Stough's select data function (used in the sortTool GUI)
- Mo Chen's EM-GMM and EM-VB implementations
- Yarpiz DBSCAN
- Ulrike von Luxburg's Spectral Clustering
- Shimazaki's kernel bandwidth estimation
- Inspiration from the Neo python package
For further information on using this package for data extraction and organization, see the various examples, and the detailed GUI documentation
- method for eliminating common spikes detected across multiple ChannelIndex objects
- method for estimating best kernel for firing rates, and/or adaptive kernels
- functions for clustering via Variational Bayes and EM-TMM in the sortTool GUI
- method for visualizing the current heirarchy in the Block object (i.e. connected graph)
- dealing with different sorting parameters when updating the sortModel property of the Neuron object
- function for online sorting / assigning new spikes to current Neuron objects wMSC.m & HDBSCAN
- interfacing with SQL for memory-efficient loading/saving and smart querying (SQLite?)
- incorporating HDBSCAN into the sortTool GUI (see HDSBCAN repo)
- incorporating automatic cluster refinement & cluster quality measurement into sortTool GUI
- automatic rejection of clusters via cluster-quality thresholding (let users grab the threshold and slide it)
- padding of data outside of the range of the epochs with NaNs
- single-electrode referencing for spike detection
- easily incorporated user-defined function for aligning action potentialss