🦾 Create a CI/CD application with which you can export and restore 💬 Dialogflow projects
With this repository you will learn which libraries to use and how, in order to create a CI/CD application (CLI or not) with which you can export and restore Dialogflow projects.
Imagine that you need to develop a CLI Application with Node.js that allows to export Dialogflow projects from one environment, for example: "dev" and restore them in another environment, for example: "test". You could even generate local or remote backups and versions on github with tags.
Libraries used in this project:
NPM Enquirer
NPM Google Dialogflow
NPM Google Storage
The following video shows how you can run this application.
List of methodologies and tools used in this project for compliance with Quality Assurance Code (QAC)
- ESTlint, tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
NPM ESLint | Airbnb
In order to work with this project, your local environment must have at least the following versions:
- NodeJS Version: 14.xx
- NPM Version: 7.10.0
Create and configure GCP and Dialogflow projects:
You need to create several projects on GCP. One as "orchestrator", for example "df-demo-project-orchestator", which will allow you to export and restore Dialogflow Agents from other GCP projects, for example: "df-demo-project-dev", "df- demo-project-test", "df-demo-project-prod".
You can create AIM service accounts from here: GCP AIM
You need to add the orchestrator service account in the other projects with the necessary permissions for Dialogflow.
Create a Account Service and add clave into the Account Service
Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts
Example orchestrator email: df-demo-ci-cd@df-demo-project-orchestator.iam.gserviceaccount.com -
Create a Bucket into the Cloud Storage Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser
Example name: df-demo-ci-cd -
Active the Dialogflow API Service Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/dialogflow.googleapis.com
- Add the Account Service of the Orchestator Project
Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam
Example orchestrator email: df-demo-ci-cd@df-demo-project-orchestator.iam.gserviceaccount.com
Function: Administrador de la API de Dialogflow
You need to add the GCP credentials in the ".env" file. You can use the ".env.schema" file as a model.
You can add as many environments as you need in the Map that you can see below. This configuration must be added in the file "./src/config/gcp.js" You will see an example like this:
export const ORCHESTATOR_PROJECT_ID = 'df-demo-project-orchestator';
export const ORCHESTATOR_BUCKET_URI = 'gs://df-demo-ci-cd';
['dev', {
agentId: 'df-demo-project-dev',
agentLocation: 'global',
prefixBackupName: 'dev',
['test', {
agentId: 'df-demo-project-test',
agentLocation: 'global',
prefixBackupName: 'test',
['prod', {
agentId: 'df-demo-project-prod',
agentLocation: 'global',
prefixBackupName: 'prod',
$npm i
$npm run start-cli
Created with JavaScript, lot of ❤️ and a few ☕️