- Tampa, Florida
(UTC -05:00)
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Meta linux packages for Ubuntu Rockchip automated kernel upgrades.
This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu Server and Desktop system for Rockchip devices.
This package contains some default system level settings and hacks that are specific to Rockchip devices.
FFmpeg with async and zero-copy Rockchip MPP & RGA support
An upgrade to the Retro Lite CM4 handheld, which uses the RK3588s compute module from Radxa.
Joshua-Riek / rockchip-kernel
Forked from rockchip-linux/kernelBSP kernel source
Ubuntu for Rockchip RK35XX Devices
Arch Linux ARM image builder and installer for aarch64 UEFI devices, focusing on rk3588
Joshua-Riek / u-boot-rockchip
Forked from radxa/u-bootThis package provides U-Boot binaries for Rockchip devices.
Joshua-Riek / linux-rockchip
Forked from armbian/linux-rockchipUbuntu Rockchip Kernel Source
A hobby kernel developed from scratch using i8086 assembly
A turmite is a Turing machine which has an orientation as well as a current state and a "tape" that consists of an infinite two-dimensional grid of cells.
The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.
Open source 16-bit bootloader for x86 PCs
A BIOS bootloader for bare-metal x86 programs, written in 8086 assembly