Many fiture you never see before baby
*jS Technology
*JowoScript | *JowoStyle | - *jS Technology
*jS Technology
*JowoScript | *JowoStyle | - *jS Technology
*JowoScript is programming language typing less, compile language, complex structure, small size and faster
*JowoStyleSheet is programming language for a pattern core of computation style sheet programming language used for describing the presentation of JowoScript programming language
*JowoIcon is part a pattern *JowoStyleSheet programming language used for describing the presentation of a icon
🌐 Basic regulatory requirements in registration of JowoScript Technology or can look on website 🌐
JavaScript and Java Virtual Machine is old concept. The new is JowoScript and the powerfull of native code and native jowo and super power of new technology concept.
The intellectual patent by Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo cannot be contested by any party, either in the future or now
This only work in JowoScript and inheritance
The intellectual patent by Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo cannot be contested by any party, either in the future or now
This only work in JowoScript and inheritance
Support Technology :
- Auto compile and dive deeper JowoScript of compile inside file extension *.js or *.jowo with type of application/jowoscript or text/jowoscript
- Auto compile and dive deeper JowoStyle of compile inside file extension *.jss or *.js3 with type of application/jowostyle or text/jowostyle
- JowoScript Technology and JowoStyle Technology undefined technology the mean is cannot be detected by third-party technology or the like because the source code of JowoScript Technology is end-to-end encryption, meaning that it is not easily read by bad hackers or cybercriminals.
- Very easy to install on multiplatform servers to deploy because it is a native technology with javascript technology standard
- Support TypeScript above version 1.0.0 auto compile file *.ts
- Responsive mode user interface (Meaning i.e. when your design is in tablet mode, mobile or phone mode, television mode, LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) mode and laptop mode)
- Native platform (For example, a cross-platform application may run on Microsoft Mobile, Microsoft Windows, Android, z/OS, Linux OS, Unix OS, iOS and macOS)
- Smart automatic detection error in javascript engine
- Smart automatic detection error in jowoscript engine
- Handling array of objects and decided multiple of attributes and pseudo
* @jowo.version : xx.xx.xx
* @jowo.owner : Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
* @jowo.creator : Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
* @jowo.architect : Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
* : Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
* @jowo.founder : Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
* @jowo.developer : Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
* @jowo.license : Licensed under privilege of creator technology (How to get token license contact email cohayfun@gmail).
Example :
mnp attribute : mnp("mnp^object"), jowo("mnp^object"), mnp("^object"), jowo("^object");
jowo attribute : mnp("jowo*object"), jowo("jowo*object"), mnp("*object"), jowo("*object");
jawa attribute : mnp("jawa@object"), jowo("jawa@object"), mnp("@object"), jowo("@object");
id attribute : mnp("id*object"), jowo("id*object"), mnp("id^object"), jowo("id^object"), mnp("id@object"), jowo("id@object"), mnp("#object"), jowo("#object");
class attribute : mnp("class*object"), jowo("class*object"), mnp("class^object"), jowo("class^object"), mnp("class@object"), jowo("class@object"), mnp(".object"), jowo(".object");
name attribute : mnp("name*object"), mnp("name^object"), mnp("name@object");
array of attribute : mnp("[ jowo*object, [jowo*object], element[attribute], node[node] ]") mnp("element[attribute="value"], [attribute="value"], [attribute="value"] [attribute]");
array of pseudo : mnp("[ element:pseudo, node:pseudo ], element:pseudo node:pseudo object:pseudo ");
More Information you can look example at: or
Architecture of Jowo Kindom Machine
Architecture of *JowoScript Technology and *JowoStyle Technology
Installation information
Installation iOS - MacOS
//Let's call class WKWebViewConfiguration(), WKWebView(frame, config), URL(url root) and URLRequest(base string url)
import UIKit
import WebKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate {
var webView: WKWebView!
override func loadView() {
let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: webConfiguration)
webView.uiDelegate = self
view = webView
override func viewDidLoad() {
let myURL = URL(string:"jowo-script.jowo")
let myRequest = URLRequest(url: myURL!)
webView.load(myRequest) //Load from url base webview class
webView.loadHTMLString("<script></script>", baseURL: myURL)
//Result : JowoScript Technology
iOS - MacOS, More information you can look at here
Installation server side Liferay Framework
//Call this class JSTopHeadDynamicInclude extends BaseDynamicInclude (include, register)
@Component(immediate = true, service = DynamicInclude.class)
public class JSTopHeadDynamicInclude extends BaseDynamicInclude {
public void include(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String key)
throws IOException {
PrintWriter printWriter = response.getWriter();
String content = "<script href=\"http://localhost:8080/../../js/jowo-script.jowo\" type = \"text/javascript\" />";
String jowoScript = "" type = \"text/javascript\" />";
//In console IDE like eclipse, rational application developer, jetbrains, netbeans, browser environment, etc.
//Result : JowoScript Technology
public void register(DynamicIncludeRegistry dynamicIncludeRegistry) {
Liferay Framework, More information you can look at here
Installation Zkoss Framework
<script type="text/javascript" src="jowo-script.jowo"></script>
<window title="sample jowo script" border="none" width="100%" closable="true">
<script type="text/javascript">
//Result : JowoScript Technology
Installation Android
webview.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/javascript/jowo-script.jowo", page, "text/javascript", null, null);
Android, More information you can look at here
Installation Microsoft DOT NET
/* Let's call this function in server side */
@Function method call in server side
public string GetWebResourceUrl (Type type, string resourceName);
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Security.Permissions;
[assembly: WebResource("Samples.AspNet.CS.Controls.jowo-script.jowo", "application/x-javascript")]
namespace Samples.AspNet.CS.Controls
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class ClientScriptResourceLabel
//Result : JowoScript Technology
Microsoft DOT NET, More information you can look at here
Installation standart HTML
Make sure your code JavaScript tag install.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jowo-script.jowo"></script>
<script type="text/jowoscript">
<string> strong = 'JowoScript walking alone';
<int> count = 1 / 9999;
jowo.information( strong );
jowo.information('Result :'+count);
//Result JowoScript walking alone
//Result 0.00010001000100010001
jowo.information( );
//Result JowoScript Technology
Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo
PT JowoScript Technology Indonesia
Licensed under privilege of Muhammad Nurcahyo Pratomo