This is a pytorch implementation of a simplified version of SRResNet which we will call VICLAB network. SRCNN, and VDSR models are also implemented for comparison. This project is used for Image Quality Enhancement graduate course. This code is self-contained, you don't need to do any pre-processing on the dataset.
To run this project you need to setup the environment with the required packages (see requirements.txt), download the dataset, and train and test the network models.
I tested my project in Corei7, 12G RAM, GPU GTX1070.
An special crop of MSCOCO2017 dataset provided by class TA was used. It was ensured that all the images have even dimmensions and are saved in PNG format to avoid coding artifacts. LR patches are generated by bicubic downsampling the HR pictures. Put your trainig set at data->train and your validation and test sets at data->test.
When training, the script only accesses the HR folder, aplies data augmentation, and generates the LR on the fly using bicubic kernel. During test and validation, the and scripts access both the HR and LR folders and LR folder only respectively.
NOTE: For this assigment only x2 upscaling factor was requested, but you can easily set any integer upscaling factor by changing the scale script argument.
Install depenencies in requirements.txt
Install Pytorch: follow instruction in Pytorch official website to install pytorch 0.4.1. Previous versions are not supported as we are using the torch.no_grad() function to disable gradient computation during evaluation and test (among other things).
To train the network use python --verbose
you should see something like the figure below. The trained
models are saved in check_point/model_name/scale directory. The best and the last epoch model are saved at and files.
To validate the network (this will compare the output with the ground truth in terms of PSNR and SSIM):
you should see something like:
To test the network (only SR images are generated there is no ground truth for comparison):
python --test-set your_test_set_at_data_test_directory
you should see something like:
The experiment results will be saved in val_results and test_results directories.
To evaluate the results run in your terminal (at this project directory):
python your_results_dir ground_truth_dir output_dir
NOTE: The above is the simplest way to train and test the model, all the settings will take default values. You can add options for training and testing. For example if i want to train model
, initial learning-rate 1e-2, num of epoch 100, batch_size 64, scale factor 3, verbose true:python -m MFCNN -l 1e-2 -n 100 -b 64 -s 3 --verbose
. I STRONGLY recommend to use an IDE like pycharm, there you can edit the training options in the top part of the scripts and just hit the run button.
The simplified SRResNet was compared against SRCNN, ESPCN and VDSR under the same training conditions in terms of
PSNR and SSIM. PSNR is obtained by: 20*log10(255/rmse)
Quantitative comparison (PSRN [dB] / SSIM):
SRCNN: 29.169 / 0.864
VDSR: 30.093 / 0.877
VCILAB: 30.101 / 0.879
: where you can train the
: where you can test and compare against ground
: where you can only test the
: Use it to generate bicubic upsampled images for
: Here you will find the models VICLAB, SRCNN,
: Data handling classes. One for training, one for validation on the fly, and a couple for
: encapsulate all the logics to train the
: pytorch implementation for SSIM loss (with autograd), clone from this
: loss function for models (default and required for this assigment: L1 loss)
I know these instructions are pretty general. If you have any problem, you can contact me through [email protected].