Tags: JuanVqz/factory_bot_rails
6.4.3 * Changed: allow sequence definitions for ActiveRecord primary keys (Mike Burns). * Changed: Support Ruby 3.0+, Rails 6.1+ (Mike Burns) * Documentation improvements (obregonia1). * Internal: GitHub Actions improvements (Lorenzo Zabot, ydah). * Internal: RubyGems points to changelog (Tilo Sloboda). * Internal: Bump standard, rake, activerecord, appraisal, rspec-rails (Mike Burns).
Version 6.3.0 * Changed: reject sequence definitions for ActiveRecord primary keys (Sean Doyle). * Changed: factory\_bot dependency to ~> 6.4 (Mike Burns). * Changed: upgrade dependencies (Daniel Colson). * Add: `projections.json` for Rails.vim (Caleb Hearth). * Docs: fix broken link (Edu Depetris). * Docs: mention Rails generator in docs (Edu Depetris). * Docs: fix typo (Yudai Takada). * Internal: skip Spring version 2.1.1 due to a bug in that release (Christina Entcheva, Daniel Colson). * Internal: test against Rails 6.1 (Antonis Berkakis). * Internal: test against Ruby 3 (Daniel Colson). * Internal: fewer warnings in Cucumber tests (Daniel Colson). * Internal: use GitHub Actions for CI (Mathieu Jobin). * Internal: a whole bunch of cleanup (Daniel Colson). * Internal: fix CI due to a Bundler output change (Mike Burns).