Perkunas is the name of the supporting engine made by me supporting video, timers, and input.
I have been part of an AI course and to take the most away from this course I decided, as advised by the teacher, to make Gomoku with sufficient AI to play against. Not AI which is always winning, but good enough to be a challenge and bad enough to be winnable. The following project contains the game and its AI implementation using "Minimax" with "Alpha-Beta-Pruning" focusing on the required optimisations to make it executable and playable. If you do not know what Gomoku is; Gomoku is similar to Tic-Tac-Toe in terms of mechanics, but the board is bigger (15x15 or 19x19) and requires five pieces in a sequence to win the game. It can get imagined as a more advanced version of Tic-Tac-Toe.