by Jorge M. Pérez Zerpa (Instituto de Estructuras y Transporte, Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR, Montevideo, Uruguay), Marcelo Forets (Depto. de Matemática y Aplicaciones, CURE, UdelaR, Maldonado, Uruguay) and Daniel Freire Caporale (Instituto de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaR, Montevideo, Uruguay).
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See Forets, Marcelo, Daniel Freire Caporale, and Jorge M. Pérez Zerpa. "Combining set propagation with finite element methods for time integration in transient solid mechanics problems." Computers & Structures 259 (2022): 106699.
The pre-print is available here:
We solve the system of two degrees of freedom loaded with a Heaviside step function subject to Rayleigh damping shown in the diagram below.
Given the FEM assembled matrices, the range of variation of the external loads is 10% around the nominal value 1.
Initial displacements and velocities for both masses belong to the interval [-0.5, 0.5]
The initial-value problem is instantiated and homogeneized as described in [1].
To illustrate the flexibility of our approach, two algorithm choices are considered, both relying on support functions [7] (LGG09
algorithm). solA
contains the flowpipe efficiently computed along box directions. To improve the accuracy, solB
is computed using octagonal template directions.