Idea of app can simply be shrunk to one sentence, Online multiplayer draw and guess.
To start the game server, you need to install Node.js. You can get the latest version here.
If you are interested in game development/modification, you should have a text editor, such as Visual Studio Code. It comes with many useful tools and has numerous extensions that facilitate game development.
To install node modules for the game, navigate to the drawing game program folder in the command prompt by typing:
cd "C:/path/to/the/folder/"
Now, you are ready to install the node packages:
npm install
Wait for the installation to complete, and then type:
npm start
The command prompt should now print:
Server running on port 3000!
To shut down the server, press CTRL+C twice.
In the file index.js, on line 7, the application's port number is defined. By changing this number, you can alter the port (changes to the server require a restart).
- The drawer can take someone else's turn by typing their own answer in the chat.
- When the drawer generates a new word, the server thinks the round has changed, leading to an incorrect increment in the round counter.
- Players with the same name encounter various issues.
- Players can disrupt the drawer by removing the draw-block element using inspect element, allowing them to draw as well.
- Modifying the code reveals the correct word. The fix will involve moving the message check to the server side. (Other code modifications will also be addressed in the same way.)
- Enhance game security by restructuring the server and client software.
- Change login to a database-stored account instead of a "one-time" user account (fixing the issue where players with the same username face problems).
- Implement a user-account tied scoring system.
- Expand the color palette for more drawing options.