This is the final edition👀 of recognizing the bacteria's border using SAM(Segment Anything Meta)+ Canny detecting algorithm😊
What we are trying to do is to use this code to recognize the expantion of bacteria's border:
The reason why we use SAM is that we found hard to use Canny or threshold segmentation to get the border:
And we find that SAM is good at segmentation so we use it the get the mask and than use mask + Canny to get the border.
The data comes from the below system:
All the work has been published here in acs: 🎉
The code is stored in the code,its iner distribution we can use the following file tree to represent:
│ └─video_produce
The 0_preprocess is used to rename the file, so we can use to realize it. The name comparisiontable is stored in the rename_table
The 1_SAM_image_detect is used to get the border data. After using it to recognize, we need to check the recognization failed frame, and we can use the to achieve it
After checking the failure files, we need to change the filters to recoginzed again
This code doesn't use the streaming reading, so it will cost plenty of memory
The 2_check is used to generate the check video of the above generated data
The 3_time_fingerprint is used to draw time finger plot
The 4_timefinger_bar_drawing is used to draw the scale bar of the time-finger plot
All the data are stored in the data folder
The distribution is given in the following:
The origin_data is used to store the output of origin data. each data's format is tiff
The recognized_border_data is used to store the output of 1_SAM_image_detect
The check_result is used to store the output of 2_check
The output_timefinger is used to store the output of 3_time_fingerprint
The ComparisonTable.xlsx stores the rename results
The output_video stores the check results video
The Intermediate_variables stores the intermediate variables, such as tiff img used to draw checking image, npy the SAM get
The check_by_hand_results stores the re-filter results, including all the border/area and check img
All the model can be downloaded from
You can choose 1 model fit your situation best to use
This folder model is used to store the model downloading from the above website
- Rename:using to rename all the data into 0000,0001 such format
- Generate npy: using to get all the npy mask data stored inIntermediate_variables
- Check: using check to generate check video
- Re-filter: using filtered_by_hand to generate all the border we recognize and all the check image. The area and border are include in the result in check_by_hand_results ,area data is in the bottom of the border txt file
title={Segment Anything},
author={Kirillov, Alexander and Mintun, Eric and Ravi, Nikhila and Mao, Hanzi and Rolland, Chloe and Gustafson, Laura and Xiao, Tete and Whitehead, Spencer and Berg, Alexander C. and Lo, Wan-Yen and Doll{\'a}r, Piotr and Girshick, Ross},