Our implementation is based on Industrial Scale Data Poisoning via Gradient Matching.
- PyTorch => 1.6.*
- torchvision > 0.5.*
- higher [best to directly clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/higher and use
pip install .
The wrapper for the Domain Watermark can be found in dw.py. The default values are set for attacking ResNet-18 on CIFAR-10.
There are a buch of optional arguments in the forest/options.py
. Here are some of them:
, and--budget
: determine the power of backdoor attack.--dataset
: which dataset to poison.--net
: which model to attack on.--retrain_scenario
: enable the retraining during poison crafting.--poison_selection_strategy
: enables the data selection (choosemax_gradient
: number of models used to craft poisons.--sources
: Number of sources to be triggered in inference time.
We here give a demonstration for implementation of Domain Watermark. Before runing our code, please first download the hardly-generalized domain samples for CIFAR-10 through: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hry5v7fxzzxcfr0/AADolCGag9DvY0RQaCzPsBVfa?dl=0
After downloading the hardly-generalized domains samples and set the path, you can change the path in "Domain_Watermark/forest/witchcoven/witch_base.py" for each dataset. We here only provide CIFAR-10 task for evaluation.
After setting the path, you can launch the programm by:
bash run.sh
We also provide a set of trained model in the saved_models file in https://www.dropbox.com/s/lulp90pp4iey75t/saved_models.zip?dl=0 You can use the benign model (model_benign.pth) and watermarked model (model_DW.pth) for evaluating our approach.
The watermarked samples can be obtained and examined by runing:
python test_eval.py